25 Sep

Chestnut Class Week 4

Wow, what another fantastic week we’ve had in Chestnut Class. We’ve especially enjoyed watching our Attention Autism sessions getting messy with foam and flour. We’ve been finger painting our own faces and choosing a friend’s face to paint too. We had great fun decorating biscuits with Icing,…

25 Sep

Maple Group A Week 4

We have had lots of fun in the sun this week in Maple Class. We have been singing songs outside, with lots of counting. We enjoyed a lovely sensory trail, especially the foam tray! During our Move session we all joined in with yoga and had a good dance and we used great communication skills to…

25 Sep

A Busy Week in Oak Class!

What a busy week we have had in Oak Class this week!

  • We have explored different nursery rhymes with sensory props. We all enjoyed the currant bun splat because for our stage four activity we got to decorate our own currant buns.
  • We have read a story and some of the children who have been…
24 Sep

Maple Class Get Busy Learning!

Maple class are so clever! Today, we have been working hard and showing our teachers what we know. Some of us have been showing our teachers how we play and engage with the different toys in class. This helps our teachers to understand which toys and activities interest us the most and how we…

24 Sep

You won't be-leaf how hard 7A have worked today!

Happy Thursday! As part of our "Our World" theme, 7A have been thinking about autumn today. We took part in an autumn yoga story where we thought about leaves falling off trees, harvest time, hibernation and rainy days. We then took part in an autumn themed attention autism. For stage 1, we…

23 Sep

9R Group A - Team work makes the dream work

Group A have had a great week in 9R. We had lots of fun completing fitness bingo together, I think we did more laughing than exercising! We have also worked hard and finished our Lockdown journals which we can't wait to share with the rest of the class next week. In our class Teams call we all…

23 Sep

7A, Bubble A, Week 4s Adventures

Hi all.

What a brilliant Monday and Tuesday we have had in school this week!

On Monday we looked at keeping safe when we are playing inside and outside at play time. Bubble A used their iPads to use a new app called Padlet to share their ideas with us on the screen. The ideas shared…

22 Sep

11R - On the move back to school

Wow what an energetic first few weeks back for our class. We have been learning about the different coloured zones and how we may feel in each of them. Furthermore Mrs McDonnell has had the class working out with various movement exercises. The class joined in some boot camp style fitness and also…

21 Sep

10R Identify their positives

10R have been reflecting on how they perceive theirselves today. We learnt that we shouldn’t focus on what others think of us, we should consider how we think of ourselves more.


This task leads nicely onto considering jobs for the future and what skills and qualities we have to make us…

21 Sep

Willow Class reach new heights!

What a week for Willow Class!

Both bubble A and bubble B were so excited to finally have a go on the new climbing frame! 
We loved helping each other and taking turns on the different areas of the climbing frame. We have all done such fantastic sharing in our bubbles, trying out new games and…

21 Sep

Busy in Sycamore!

Last week Group A and Group B had lots of fun in Sycamore Class.

On Monday and Tuesday, Group A enjoyed a messy Attention Autism using water to spray shaving foam off pictures of the friends in their group – we have been working very hard learning the names of our new friends and teachers. We…

21 Sep

9G Group B have another exciting week!


We have had another great few days in Group B!

The whole group have adapted well to choosing nurture activities in the morning and seem to particularly enjoy Duplo, reading and jigsaws!

For our My Communication and The World About Me session this week, we focused on cleaning and washing…