9G Celebrate LGBT History Month
It has been a lovely first week back in 9G! Our main focus this week has been our Different Families, Same Love week, along with Rainbow Day today!
Everyone has worked very hard both at home and school, and all the children have recognised that there are lots of different family types, and…

7A Celebrate LGBT History Month
This week at school we have been focusing on “Different Families, Same Love”.
We started the week exploring the different families in class and around school, collecting data and recording this using tally charts and pictograms in My Thinking and Problem Solving. We also worked on our money…

Beech class hungry caterpillar week 1
Beech class have begun their new topic growth and change and so this week have been looking at the hungry caterpillar story. We have done lots of activities related to the story and had lots of fun exploring them. We have chopped fruit from the story, counted the caterpillar parts, painted…

Beech class celebrate rainbow day
Beech class celebrated making a huge rainbow during their attention autism session and having lots of colourful interesting items in our box . Each child chose a colour and added to the big rainbow each one differently. Well done Beech class.
Mrs Barrand, Miss Holden, Mrs Banks, Ms…

Different Families, Same love in Oak Class
This week Oak Class have been learning all about different families, same love.
On Monday we read ‘The Family Book’ and drew our own families. We spoke to each other about who is in our families. We spoke about our Mums, Dads, Grandads, Grandmas, Brothers and Sisters. Isla and Harvey wrote on…

9R I’ll be there for you #friends #family
After a much deserved break, 9R were back in action and ready to start another term of doing some brilliant work. On Monday our learners in school continued our WW2 topic by researching Anne Frank and her famous journal during the war. They discovered lots of interesting facts about her life and…

Different Families, Same Love in Rowan
This week in Rowan class we have been celebrating ‘Different Families, Same Love’.
We listened to a story ‘The Family Book’ and learnt about different families. We talked about who lives in our houses and what we love about them.
On Tuesday Mrs Carney did an Attention Autism session and we…

Chestnut Class go on a Bug Hunt
This week in Chestnut Class, we have been reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.
We have enjoyed making our own caterpillars, exploring the fruit that the caterpillar ate in the story, counting the fruit, and having fun in our sensory story tuff tray. We even went on our very own bug…

We are all Different in Chestnut Class and That is Great!
This week at Astley Park School, we have been looking at we have been celebrating diversity within our families entitled ‘Different Families, Same Love’.
In Chestnut Class we have been looking at our family books and pictures of our families.
We then saw our friends on our video call and…

‘Different Families, Same Love’ in Sycamore.
This week we have been very busy in Sycamore class. Our theme has been ‘Different Families, Same Love’ we have looked at how families may vary and what family means to us. We enjoyed seeing our friends and listening to the story of ‘Part of the Party’ and hearing how the plan for the party had…

Different Families, Same Love - An Information Blog for Parents
Different Families, Same Love
LGBT+ History Month is celebrated in February in the UK. This week, Astley Park School is proud to celebrate LGBT History Month through exploring different family types.
- All learners will be working towards our weekly six star challenge in which all…

Learning together 12/2/2 11G
A fabulous final week for 11G before we break up for a well deserved rest over half term.
Lots of wonderful fun activities this week including keep fit sessions with Joe Wicks, exhausting but really great fun..and then a great Trepak and Russian dancing session using bouncy balls in time to…