10R Celebrate World Religion Week
We all know times are challenging at the moment. This means it is especially important that we look after our bodies and minds. This means being kind to ourselves and taking part in activities that we find relaxing and that we can do together at home. There is a strong link between cooking,…

World Religion week- let’s learn about Christianity!
Hello everyone, please enjoy this blog to help you learn about the religion of Christianity. This blog has been researched and written by Daniel in Willow class. I hope you enjoy learning about this religion.- Miss Riley, Willow Class
What is Christianity?
Christianity is a religion…

World Religion week- let’s learn about Hinduism!
Hello everyone, please enjoy this blog to help you learn about the religion of Hinduism. This blog has been researched and written by Grace in Willow class. I hope you enjoy learning about this religion.- Miss Riley, Willow Class
What is Hinduism?
Hinduism is a religion practiced by…

Winter well-being - grab your wellies!
With rain pouring down outside and stay at home orders in place it’s more important than ever to look after our well-being. A blast of fresh air can do wonders for your mental well-being, getting your body moving and lifting your mood.
There’s lots of fun things that you can be doing outside…

Willow class settle back into routines- learning from home and in school
Wow, Willow class have really impressed all their class teachers this term with how well everyone has adapted to changes!
Children in school have been settling back into lessons and following our timetables, especially enjoying our daily teams calls with friends learning from home! The children…

World Religion Week- let’s learn about Islam!
Hello everyone, please enjoy this blog to help you learn about the religion of Islam. This blog has been researched and written by Hasan in Willow class. I hope you enjoy learning about this religion.- Miss Riley, Willow Class
What is Islam?
Islam is a religion practiced by Muslims.

Chill & Chat Tuesday 26th January
On Tuesday 26th January we will be holding our first virtual ‘Chill & Chat’ session with parents and carers. The first session will be focused on supporting learning and well-being at home during these challenging times. The aim of the session is to provide an informal forum for parents to have a…

11G Habitats 16/1/21
Hi everyone, lovely to see some of you during last weeks class video call, both home learners and class learners are working really hard and beginning to learn lots about animals and their different habitats.
In class last week we had a fun attention autism session where we played with wind…

To Infinity and Beyond in 7A
Wow what a busy second week back!
In 7A our new theme is “Let’s Go to the Movies”. During My Communication lessons, learners both in school and at home have finished watching Toy Story and completing written tasks using colourful semantics, practicing using capital letters, full stops and…

10G make learning from home fun!
10G have had a very busy week learning from home. On Monday we all got to see each other on TEAMS and took part in morning group, telling one another our weekend news, what we did over Christmas and New Year and reading from our new story. On Wednesday we all took part in our online science lesson…

Maple Class - Spring 1 Week 2
Maple Class both home and at school have done some fantastic learning this week!
At home Lottie has been busy doing yoga, helping make snacks, and completing jigsaws, whilst Harry has been busy with playdough gym, yoga and writing his name so neatly! Scarlett has been listening to sounds on…

Beech class mark making
This week we have been making lots of marks and exploring sensory trays. We have used some large vehicles to make marks on a big road, made marks in shaving foam as well we explored lots of different foods trays. We have heard about lots of lovely news from our learner from home too, Well done…