7A Let's Go to the Movies- Week 1
Hello everyone!
What a funny old week it has been this week! We hope that all of you are keeping safe and well and that you’ve all had a good rest over the Christmas holidays.
Boris announced on Monday night that schools were to close so we have found ourselves with half of you in…

Spring week1 10g
This week has been different in so many ways. We have had to work from home. But at least we have had the snow to play in. Mrs Jones has had lots of snowy walks with her dog Winston, Mrs McShane has been building snowmen with her grandchildren and Miss Robertson has been doing lots of exercises…
11R Welcome Mr Maudsley
We would like to introduce you to Mr Maudsley who has been working with us in 11R. He has been with us for a few weeks now and has already made an impression on our class.
This week we have had 'snow' much fun outdoors enjoying the weather, even if it has been a bit chilly. We have loved being…

9G Welcome Mr Stokes and have some snow fun!
It has been lovely to return this week, however it has been a little bit different for all of us!
In this blog I just wanted to share some of our positives from the week.
We are very lucky to have Mr Stokes joining us in class. Before the holidays Mr Stokes had spent some time with us so has…

8R’s first week of 2021
Happy new year everybody!!
8R have had a busy and fun filled first week back in school.
We are missing all the people who are learning from home this week but it was so lovely to see them on our teams calls on Friday! We also had a very, very special visitor on our teams call with Jenny.…
Snowy Fun in Chestnut Class
Happy New Year Everyone!
What a busy first week back in Chestnut Class!! We have been getting creative and exploring Winter trays.
Alex really enjoyed making a egg carton snowman and playing book shop with Miss Howarth.
Benedict loved playing out in the snow with Mrs…

Welcoming Miss Howarth to Chestnut Class
We have brilliant news for Chestnut class- this week we have welcomed a new member of staff to our team- Miss Howarth. We are all very excited and the children in school have enjoyed getting to know her. Miss Howarth can’t wait to meet everyone who is learning at home and would like to tell you a…

Willow Class welcomes new team member, Mrs Smith!
We have some exciting news for Willow class- this week we have welcomed a new member of staff to our team- Mrs Smith! We are all very lucky and the children in school have enjoyed getting to know her. Mrs Smith is very excited to meet everyone who is learning at home and has written you a…

Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow in 9R
What a strange start to a new term - snow and entering into another lockdown. This week 9R have been busy in school. We have had to get used to being only half a class and while it’s been quiet we have definitely missed the chatting and laughing that comes when we are all in school. We have used…

Sycamore’s first week back
So we have had a nice first week back in Sycamore...We are settling back into a routine after a busy Christmas.
We have taken full advantage of the snow this week by sledging down the ramp and throwing snowballs which has been great fun but cold! Hope you have all managed to have some fun in…
Rowan use the Numicon shapes
We hope you have all had a good Christmas and are enjoying the snow.
This week in Rowan class we have been working on our Numicon skills.
Grace has done fantastic Numicon she has been using the shapes to help with her addition. Grace participated for the whole group session and…

A big welcome to Miss Armstrong and Mrs Baxendale
As we say goodbye from Oak to Mrs Simpson and Miss Branfield we are also saying a big welcome to Mrs Baxendale and Miss Armstrong.
Miss Armstrong has previously worked at Astley Park but has been on maternity leave for the past year, she has welcomed a little girl called Jessa and is now…