Sycamore: Challenging Gender Stereotypes
Today Sycamore have been learning about gender stereotypes.
First we spoke about what a stereotype is - we learned that a stereotype is an idea or view that someone believes that might not be true.
We then enjoyed a carpet time activity watching Miss Cross make outlines of a boy and a girl.…
11R challenge gender stereotypes
This week in 11R we have been learning all about gender stereotyping. We started off by watching a video where we all had to share our thoughts on how people looked and what opinions we formed based on that. Everyone contributed maturely towards the discussion and listened respectfully to each…

Willow Class challenges gender stereotypes
This week Willow class looked at gender stereotypes and thought about what ideas we already had about gender, maybe without realising. We tied this into looking at how this affects the jobs and hobbies we think people can have due to their gender.
We explored which stereotypes we were affected…

9R Autumn 2 Week 3
This week 9R have created some great pieces of work. We have continued with a book review of the Iron Man, using amazing adjectives, then creating fantastic interview questions which we recorded on the Green Screen. In computing with have been exploring different types of coding devices - making…

8R Busy, busy week.
What a busy fun filled week we have had again in 8R. We have been on a few different fact finding missions. At the beginning of the week Miss Brophy set us the challenge of finding out what a continent was and then see if we could name them. We worked well using our iPads to name the seven…

10G Back Together Again
10G have been incredibly busy this week. As well as practising our parenting skills and working on challenging gender stereotypes we have been very busy learning all about the human body, practising writing letters, developing our ICT skills, practising our maths skills and working on attacking…

8R challenge gender stereotypes
This week 8R have been doing some super work on gender stereotyping and how everybody can be different and how we can make sure we talk to people in the best way.
We did some work in small groups and looked at the different ways people can be different. We talked about how our families,…

10G Challenge Stereotypes
10G have worked really hard to understand what gender stereotypes means. We talked about what jobs boys have and what jobs girls have. Some of us said that girls are nurses and boys are builders. Then we had a look at some pictures and saw that both men and woman can be nurses and builders. We did…

Rowan - Dogs don’t do ballet
On Wednesday in Rowan class we listened to the story ‘dogs don’t do ballet’. A lovely story about a dog who wants to become a ballerina but everyone keeps says dog don’t do ballet. But, we discovered in our story that dogs do ballet.
We discussed what jobs we would like to do when we are…

9G Keep on Celebrating!
It has been another super week in 9G.
This week we have worked hard on our reading and writing. 9G tried out using colourful semantics on the iPads, creating sentences about our story Star in the Jar. We really enjoyed doing it this way and will be using the iPads to help us going forward. We…
Wheeled Toys
This week Beech class have begun our topic- Toys. We have explored wheeled toys. Throughout the week we have made wheeled tracks, had our own Beech class car wash and explored the rhyme 'Wheels on the bus'. While exploring all of our lovely activities we have been focusing on being kind to our…
‘Car crazy!’ in Chestnut Class
Chestnut Class’s theme this week was all about ‘Diwali and toys’. We have worked so hard again challenging ourselves learning numbers by singing songs. Developing our writing skills through mark making. Looking at different shapes and sorting big / little cars or putting cars on, under or next…