13 Sep

YR11 Young Enterprise

As part of our new school year we are embarking on our Young Enterprise experience. 
As part of this we have had to create a company, this involved a board meeting where we discussed job roles, we then had to decide what roles we would like to apply for and have a small interview to say how we…

13 Sep

Week 2 in 8P!

This week we have been busy in 8P. 

We have had our very first community visit into town, to get the ingredients for this week’s cooking lesson with Miss Troughton. The children showed us how amazing they can be with crossing the roads and walking sensibly. 8P showed off our school values…

13 Sep

‘What a fabulous few weeks in Oak Class!’

Oak class have had a fantastic two weeks since returning to school after the holidays! They’ve worked so well learning our daily class routines and new faces!

Some highlights over the past two weeks include:

  • Swimming lessons
  • Walking to Asda, shopping for food technology ingredients…
10 Sep

10A Week 2 - W/B 09.09.24

So Monday started with us reading examples of letters, written in a formal tone. It was funny reading what the people were complaining about but we found some interesting vocabulary that the author had used to get his point across. After break we had maths, where we are recapping addition and…

8 Sep

9P first week 2024-2025

9P have had a fantastic first week back at school! They've all tried extremely hard with their communication, requesting and positive behaviours all week. We are so proud of them! 


This week, we focused on fun activities, including the following: 

  • parachute games 

  • two…

6 Sep

First week in Rowan Class 2024

What a brilliant first week back we've had in Rowan Class!

We have all enjoyed exploring our new classroom and making new friends, we have all settled in very well. 

We have been busy on bug and number hunts, playing on the bikes and scooters. 

We have even enjoyed a game of Guess Who of…

6 Sep

1st Week in 7P

7Ps first week..


A huge welcome to our new 7P learners and their families.

It was lovely seeing the learners starting their new chapter in secondary in their grey jumpers. It made them look a year older!


What great fun we have had this week getting to know each other. 


6 Sep

First week back in 8P!!

Welcome back 8P..

The staff in 8P cannot believe how much each child has grown over the summer holidays! We are super happy to all be back together again in 8P this year. 

We have all enjoyed looking at what all of the children and staff have gotten up to over the holidays, looking…

6 Sep

Our first week in Beech class 2024-2025

Wow what an amazing first week back in Beech class.

We have enjoyed welcoming our new classmates who have all settled in wonderfully and have had a lovely time exploring their new classroom, sensory room and the playground! 

We are so excited for the year ahead! 

Have a well rested…

4 Sep

Welcome to 8A!

Yesterday, 8A were welcomed back to school after what sounds like a wonderful 6-week holiday for everyone!

Yesterday we had a calm day focusing on our class routine and some on the changes from 7A to 8A. During the morning, we looked at the rules we had in 7A and had lots of discussions about…

4 Sep

Welcome back 10A - W/B 02.09.24

So, Tuesday saw us return to school.. as Year 10s! Everyone appeared happy to return and share stories of what they had been up to over the holidays. Some great adventures were had by the sounds of it. We started the day playing games altogether, giving us chance to catch up after the 6 week…

22 Aug

Holiday Club Thursday 22nd August 2024

Today was the last day of Summer Holiday Club 2024, All the staff have enjoyed spending quality time with the children over the past 4 weeks and watching the children have lots of fun taking part in the organised activities.

Today our animal friends from Little Zoo To You came to visit everyone…