17 May

7P Summer 1 - Week 4 and 5

The last 2 weeks have been busy for 7P, lots of hard work has been done by the children. 

On Monday, 7P took part in a lovely relaxing yoga class. And luckily no one fell asleep for the lay down part! This made us all feel nice and relaxed, ready to learn. The children all listened really…

17 May

Animal homes in Beech

This week in Beech class we have explored different animal homes.

First, we explored ducks and frogs in the pond. We painted lily pads, sang “5 little frogs” and “5 little ducks”, and explored blue sand. 

On Tuesday, we explored Mrs Hen’s nest. We had lots of fun exploring eggs; we…

14 May

It’s good to be me in 11G

Over this half term in our learner led “good to be me” sessions we have been talking about “worries.” Through our group discussions we have realised that we all have worries and feel anxious sometimes and this is ok. We have talked about what worries us and some of us have very similar…

13 May

9P Yoga Class


9P had a yoga session this morning. As you can see from the pictures, it was very relaxing.

10 May

8P Summer 1 Week 4

8P have had a fantastic 4-day week this week! 

On Tuesday, we did our weekend news in the morning and learnt about postcards and zones in the afternoon. 
On Wednesday, we did our weekly differentiated Colourful Semantics activities and we learn about strangers, safe strangers and online safety…

10 May

8As Sorting Hats

This week in our Food Technology lesson, 8A made a sorting hat which we have all seen when we watched Harry Potter. 

The class followed a step by step instruction sheet and also followed Ms Cullen’s demonstration. 

The learners showed good listening and made super choices throughout the…

10 May

It's Bloomin' Marvellous in 11R!

This week we all had fun at Chorley in Bloom! We went to a different site than we usually do, and went to the community garden next to Chorley B&Q. We learnt that this is used by members of the community if they can't always afford vegetables and that a lot of people who may not have their own…

10 May

9A Summer Week 4

Another great week in 9A. The sunshine has finally made an appearance which has made us all feel so much better. We had a lovely visit to Withy Grove Park and enjoyed our lunches in the sunshine.We played on the park and some of us had a game of football before we went to the kiosk to buy some ice…

10 May

Nuffield Health Centre

After a short warmup activity with Ashley the group started their circuit of gym equipment. Ashley observed that the group have made great progress in both using the equipment and in the level of intensity. The sledge posed an excellent challenge and each member chose the additional weight they…

10 May

10A Orienteering in Worden Park

On Thursday we enjoyed an afternoon orienteering around Worden Park.

Before we left we learnt compass markings and how to orientate the map.

Once we got to Worden Park we split into our groups and had a great time in the sunshine using our maps to locate the stations

We then took it in…

10 May

Chestnut Class make ice cream

This week in Chestnut class we have continued to explore our theme, ‘Under the Sea’ through Attention Autism, a sensory story about the beach and songs. 
Small groups have been accessing swim sessions with Mrs Hylands on a Monday and Astley Park on Tuesday afternoons with Mrs Lane focusing on our…

10 May

Great week in Willow class

Willow class had a fantastic week last week. We enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a sea turtles and doing fun activities related to that. We also enjoyed our trip to Asda where we bought items off a shopping list to make our under the sea themed biscuits for next week. All of Willow class…