22 May

11R Learning from home summer 1 term

Over the last few weeks 11R have been learning how to blog using purple mash. We have had some great success and peers have been able to communicate with eachother commenting on photos which have been uploaded. Well done team you are doing fab! 

Celebrations of VE day have been a big part of…

19 May

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health- we all have it! Sometimes its all good- and other times not quite so good!

We are very good in Y11R at talking about our mental health-and trying to address any problems that we may have!

Many of our worries have been based on- next steps and moving forward- as we have been…

6 May

11R Thinking positive reflecting on VE day

VE Day is a shortened name for Victory in Europe. This year we are celebrating 75yrs when Germany surrended (gave themselves up) to end the 2nd World War. This was a very happy time in England and many parties were had. 


If you would like to learn more about this special occasion here is a…

1 May

MADD Week Flag Art Competition

Wow what an amazing MADD week it has been. There have been some amazing videos posted onto our school Learning from Home YouTube Channel - if you haven't had a look yet please go and see! 


We have had lots of entries fro the…

29 Apr

11R Be positive with Giggles

It can be hard to find a positive when you are stuck at home. So lets tell some jokes to make us giggle.


Add a joke in the comments to see if you can make others giggle. 


I'll start...


What sort of tile can you not put on your wall? 

A Reptile!


What do you call a…

23 Apr

11R keep it going

I have had a flood of photos in this week,

Well done for all the hard work you have been doing team. Me, Mrs McShane, Mrs Matthew and Mrs Jones are very proud of all the work you have done. We have loved hearing from you on emails and EFL. 
Haven't the TAs done fab with their videoing skills…

22 Apr

St George's Day...23rd April

Although it is not a big event or a national holiday,

St George's Day is celebrated on 23rd April each year.

It's a great excuse to enjoy or learn about some of England's customs and traditions, and also to think about knights and castles and dragons!


Who Was St George?


20 Apr

Let's Celebrate World Earth Day 22 April 2020

On Wednesday 22 April we will be celebrating 50 years on Earth Day- the theme for this year is climate action! The main aim of Earth Day is to raise awareness on the negative impact that we are all guilty of on our environment!

11R have done lots of work on this during our Environmental…

17 Apr

In school we do ....

This week it was the turn of Miss Hendy, Mrs England and Mr Connor to help the children who are in school whilst their parents are helping keep everyone safe! 

We have been very busy this week:

On Monday we did some easter themed activities such as a number easter egg hunt, sequencing the…

15 Apr

Mindfullness challenge

Hi Everyone, 

I have a mindfullness challenge for you to try.


 1 Lie down on your back on the grass or on your bed.

2 Place a favourite item which could be teddy, Easter Egg, watch or book on your tummy.

3 Breath in through your nose and out slowly through your mouth,watching the…

10 Apr

Secondary’s Easter week 2020

Secondary pupils who have been in school this week have been busy doing lots of fun activities and learning. Robyn created a wonderful ‘stay at home, stay safe’ rainbow to thank all NHS staff and key workers! We have done some fun maths and English learning, looking at how to create letters and…

10 Apr

11R Take An Easter Break

This week pupils have been telling me about their Easter break activities. 

It has been great hearing from you all and hearing that you are staying intouch with peers both in school and out. 

Many have been baking, cakes and biscuits seem a popular one! We need to get back to school soon so…