1 Mar

10A Nuffield Health Centre Enrichment Programme week 2

This week at the Nuffield Gym Ashley the Personal Trainer had designed a training circuit for the pupils to attempt. The circuit was a combination of a seating weight lift, rowing machine, ski pull, sledge push and lunges. Ashley timed the pupils on each activity and when directed they rotated…

1 Mar

10A Chorley in Bloom, Environmental Awareness

As part of our Duke of Edinburgh Experience we shall be volunteering at Chorley in Bloom.

Today was our first visit and we were greeted by the volunteers, Iris and Jill. 
Our project today was to create our Grass heads, as a group we listened to the instructions and followed them.


24 Feb

11G Week 6 Spring term

We hope that everyone had a nice half term. It has been lovely to see everyone this week!

On Monday morning we worked in pairs to create some thank you cards to give to the supermarkets Asda, Booths, Morrisons and Tesco for very generously donating prizes for our Valentine’s Disco before half…

23 Feb

War Time Biscuits in 8A

This week in our food technology activity, 8A participated in making some war time biscuits.

These biscuits had the regular ingredients such as butter, sugar, flour and vanilla essence but there was an additional ingredient added……. Grated carrots.


We were all very unsure how these…

23 Feb

Welcome back Chestnut Class

Chestnut Class learners have had a very busy start to the half term!  We have been learning about primary colours in a range of activities including mixing paints and coloured water into jars to create secondary colours.  This week we started our Recycling sessions and we thoroughly enjoyed…

23 Feb

Very Hungry Caterpillars in Beech Class

This week Beech Class have been exploring ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. 

In attention autism we listened to the story, counted all the fruits that he ate and used a balloon to make our very own caterpillar!

We practised our chopping skills, cutting up different types of fruit and enjoyed…

20 Feb

Welcome Back 9A

Welcome back to spring 2, hope you’ve all had a lovely break. We’ve got a very busy half term again and lots of things to look forward to. 9A welcomed a new pupil into class, they have all been very friendly and we look forward to getting to know him. 
On Monday morning as the learners came into…

15 Feb

Holiday Heroes - Thursday 15th February 2024

Day 2 of February Half Term Holiday Heroes has been packed full of fun and exciting activities. The inflatable assault course was a big hit, especially with our youngest pupils who also all enjoyed sessions in our sensory room. Some of our older primary aged pupils went to try out the new,…

13 Feb

Holiday Heroes - Tuesday 13th February 2024

Hello and happy half term from our Holiday Heroes Club! Today is our first day of holiday club this week, day 2 is on Thursday 15th February. 

Today has been a very busy day, but everyone has had lots of fun. We were all very excited to see all the lovely animals from Alldays Farm - we enjoyed…

9 Feb

A Busy Two Weeks in 11R!

11R have had a busy couple of weeks this term! 

In science we have been learning about plants and their parts and we got the chance to dissect some lilies and take them apart to look at all the parts up close and in person. We’ve also been looking at seed dispersal and all the different ways…

9 Feb

Mental Health Week in Rowan Class

This week we have been exploring our feelings for World Mental Health Week 2024.

On Monday we all wore green, and went on a hunt outside and inside looking for different green objects. 

We read the Colour Monster story, and made our own monsters with playdough.

In Food Technology we made…

8 Feb

Miss McPartlin last day in 8A

Miss McPartlin’s last day in 8A


Today, 8A has said a farewell to Miss McPartlin as she is having a little rest before her baby arrives at the beginning of March. 8A has been reading a social story together all week to help us with understanding where Miss McPartlin will be after half…