22 Mar

10A go Tree Planting in Astley Park!

What a lovely day for Planting trees! 

We had a great time planting 6 Silver Birch Trees in Astley Park- in conjunction with Chorley in Bloom and Chorley Borough Council- the trees are going to be part of a Remembrance Walk in memory of a Council Worker and local people who sadly lost their…

22 Mar

Chestnut Class celebrate World Down Syndrome Day

On Thursday 21st March Chestnut Class celebrated World Down Syndrome Day. The theme this year is # End the Stereotypes. The day is represented by lots of socks because chromosomes look like socks!  We wore brightly coloured socks or odd socks, designed socks using the primary colours and balloons…

15 Mar

Careers Drama Workshop

Today KS4 and KS3 had a very special visitor; Kerry from Lowther Theatre came in to run a short workshop with a few of the KS4 and KS3 classes. We talked about all of the different jobs that are involved in the theatre, from actors and dancers to the lighting and sound production to the people who…

15 Mar

10A Wow us at Boulder UK

What a fantastic visit to Boulder. 10A were a shining example of Astley Park School, displaying so many of our values. We showed great kindness and teamwork by helping each other, offering support and guidance to our friends. 
This week we re visited the holds we use and played a game to see if…

15 Mar

8A looking at Neurodiversity

Celebrating Neurodiversity in 8A


This week 8A has been looking at Neurodiversity and celebrating “Different Minds” and that it’s good to be different. We are all different!

8A played a small game of bingo. The cards had different types of people’s hair.


Miss Robertson then…

15 Mar

10A Nuffield Health Centre

This week on our weekly visit to Nuffield gym the group met Justin a PT who kindly stepped in for Ashley who was unable to meet with us this week. However, Ashley had left details with Justin of what the group had been working on in the gym. After a short warm up and stretches the group helped…

15 Mar

What’s the Weather in Beech Class?

This week Beech Class have been exploring the different types of weather. 

At the start of the week, we explored the rain. In attention autism, Mrs Barrand used an umbrella to protect herself from the different types of rain. We used sparkly glitter, hailstone rice and some of even got sprayed…

11 Mar


We had a SUPER World Book Day in Sycamore Class.

Sycamore Class were joined by some new friends from The Hive at Buckshaw primary school. 


Our friends joined us for a morning of World Book Day fun, we started off in the hall where we all took part in a Super Hero themed drama…

11 Mar

9A Week 4

This week you will see a new face in our pictures as we have a new member of the class team, Miss Knott. Miss Knott has been a great help and we are happy to have her.

This week is Neurodiversity Week in school, we started our Monday Morning off by talking about how our brains are different and…

8 Mar

11G Week 8 Spring Term- Careers Week and World Book Day

This week it has been Career’s Week AND World Book Day, so we have been very busy!

On Monday morning, it was time for our Entry Level Functional Maths exams for some of our learners. The remainder of 11G and 11R pupils congregated together in 11G’s classroom for some speaking and listening…

8 Mar

9P look to the future and World Book day.

This week 9P had the exciting opportunity to attend Careers week in school. On Wednesday and Friday some of Astley Park alumni were invited in to talk to us about what they have done since leaving school.

Our learners all sat listening intently whist they spoke and found this extremely…

8 Mar

Hollywood Bowl Bowling Competition 9A/9P

On Friday 1st March a  mixed team from 9A and 9P were invited through to the next round of a bowling competition they had competed in and previously won.. Schools from across Lancashire, Cheshire , Greater Manchester and Merseyside met together at Hollywood Bowl at Middlebrook. The learners were…