7 Jun

Summer 2 Week 1 in 11R - Our Last Half-Term

On Monday we were right back into lessons, starting off the day with a functional maths lesson on money. We used coins and notes and practiced identifying coins and how much each coin was worth. We looked at how many pennies were in a pound and how to add money up.

In the afternoon we had our…

23 Jun

Summer Term 2 Week 3 in 10R!

This week in 10R we've had lots to do! On Monday we had our morning maths lesson and in the afternoon we had our first session of sports week when we played some relay games and activities. 

On Tuesday we continued with our ASDAN and our Preparation for Work Unit and in the afternoon we went on…

4 May

10R Summer Term Week 3

Even though it’s been short, 10R have had a jam-packed week!

on Wednesday in the morning we had some maths assessments to do, and in the afternoon we had our PE lessons where we learnt what a compass was and how to use one. We learnt about how to find the other directions once you have found…

22 Mar

Year 10 Visit Runshaw College!

Today our Year 10 classes had the opportunity to visit Runshaw College! We were welcomed by Angela and Karen and a group of foundation students, and we started our session with a lovely afternoon tea, with soup, sandwiches and cakes that had been prepared by the students at Runshaw. After enjoying…

10 Nov

11R does Performing Arts at Preston College

Wow! What an amazing lesson we had at Preston College today!
We found our way to the studio- passing quite a few familiar faces (past Astley Park pupils) on the way!

Sarah our tutor certainly put us through our paces- after a warm up, were we stretched our muscles, we performed a quick Zumba…

14 Mar

10R Visit Newman College

On Friday 10R visited Newman College. We had a lovely day looking around the college and getting a feel for how busy it could get. We looked at the gym,climbing wall, nurture room and classrooms. 

We couldn’t quite believe how many different areas where we could get food and drink from. 


5 Nov

A Busy Week and a New Look 11R

On their return to school this week 11R received their leavers hoodies which they all look very smart in. A big thank you to 11G staff from all of us for arranging them.   
This week there have been lots of activities going on. We have continued with our Environmental Awareness module looking at…

21 Oct

11R Stop Motion animation, Halloween and all things construction

What a busy week we have had this week. We have had lots of college visits this week both with school and with parents. The students are now getting a really good idea of where they want to go in September. This week, we visited the construction building at Preston College. We learnt how to tile…

3 Jul

11R Begin their transition to college

This week has been one of mixed feelings. A mixture of nerves and excitement for our next steps.


pupils were invited back into school in their college cohorts to focus on what college will be like. We looked at our college websites, completed challenges set by college, joined in teams…