17 Mar

A busy week in Maple Class

Maple Class learners have been super busy this week as we enjoy lots of different activities and special days. On Monday we celebrated Science Week and the theme this year was ‘Connections’. Maple Class have been identifying mystery scents during Attention Autism sessions and expressing whether we…

10 Mar

World Book Day in Maple Class

Maple class love stories and books so we were excited for World Book Day! Harrison brought one of his favourite books to class ‘Superworm!’ (I love this one too!) and shared it with myself and his friends. Maple class enjoyed lots of activities linked to The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss in the…

7 Mar

Out and About with 8A

8A are continuing to build their confidence and independence skills on our community visits. This week we concentrated on our road safety skills, with each of the pupils taking turns at crossing their peers across the road. The weather hasn’t always been kind to us this week but this hasn’t…

3 Mar

World Hearing Day in 10G

Today is World Hearing Day so we talked about how we communicate in class, with our friends and family and out in the community. 10G said that we talk but sometimes people can’t talk and have to communicate in different ways. Katie said some people use signing because they can’t hear and we should…

3 Mar

Holes in 10G

In class we have been spending time at lunchtime listening to Mrs Cobham reading the story of Holes by Louis Sachar. We decorated our classroom door like the book and Katie drew the lizard and painted it. On Thursday Mrs Cobham finished reading it. We have all enjoyed it and are looking forward to…

24 Feb

11G Spring 2. Week 1

We all came back to school refreshed after our break and had a busy week back. We shared our holiday news with our friends on Monday. 

On Tuesday we celebrated pancake day by starting the day off with pancakes for breakfast.

On Wednesday afternoon we started our new ASDAN Topic Parental…

20 Feb

“Ouch! I need a plaster!” in Maple Class

As part of our ‘Emergency, Emergency!’ topic, Maple class have been exploring the important roles of Nurses and how they help us. We have enjoyed our Sensory story, “Ouch! I need a plaster!” and located body parts by placing plasters on dollies. We have been counting and finding one less and…

7 Feb

Maple Class fun at The Space Centre

On Friday 3rd February Maple Class headed to the Space Centre in Preston. we had a fantastic time with our friends, accessing the swing for vestibular input, the fibre optics for visual and tactile stimulation and the responsive flooring which gave audio and visual feedback when pressed. We had a…

22 Dec

Holiday Heroes! Group 1

Holiday Heroes have had a fantastic three days as we head towards Christmas. On Tuesday Group 1 accessed The Space Centre where we enjoyed the ball pool, the swing, slide, tunnel and cause and effect toys! On Wednesday group 1 had a visit from The Animal Therapist - Steven Allday who enjoyed…

12 Dec

Willow class visit Barton Grange and enjoy their Christmas Party

What a lovely week of festivities for Willow class! 
We started the week with an amazing trip to Barton Grange garden centre to look at the Christmas decorations. As part of our RE topic of Festivals and celebrations we have started work to learn about the Christian celebrations of Christmas.…

9 Dec

11G It’s Christmas!!,

It’s getting close to Christmas now and 11G are very busy with all their Asdan work. 

On Monday we discussed our weekend news, everybody joined in and listened their friends and asked some super questions to find out more information.

Week 6 of our swimming lessons and everts is improving…

22 Nov

Oak Class’ Italian Adventure

They may not have made it to the World Cup this year but Italy have certainly made it in Oak Class!

The Italian adventure began last week, pupils enjoyed decorating their own pizzas using core boards to make choices, before eating them of course! Pupils have decorated the Italian flag selecting…