19 Apr

Spring Term - 7A

Wow, Spring Term flew by for 7A!

During the Spring Term, we did lots of fantastic learning - working on our functional life skills, our Aspirational Learning Goals and our Curriculum Learning Goals.

In My Communication based lessons, we learnt about Acrostic Poems in Spring 1 and Postcards…

22 Mar

Odd socks in 8A

On Thursday 8A participated in looking through a PowerPoint all about Down Syndrome. 

8A identified that we had two learners in class that have Down Syndrome. 

The PowerPoint explained that people are born with Down Syndrome because they are born with different cells. This is ok. This is…

22 Mar

Odd Socks

7P have had another lovely week. Part of this week was learning about World Down Syndrome day. 

7P spoke about what this means and how just because someone has Down Syndrome they can do the same things that we can. We are all unique and special and that is okay. 

We explored this…

22 Mar

Chestnut Class celebrate World Down Syndrome Day

On Thursday 21st March Chestnut Class celebrated World Down Syndrome Day. The theme this year is # End the Stereotypes. The day is represented by lots of socks because chromosomes look like socks!  We wore brightly coloured socks or odd socks, designed socks using the primary colours and balloons…

15 Mar

8A looking at Neurodiversity

Celebrating Neurodiversity in 8A


This week 8A has been looking at Neurodiversity and celebrating “Different Minds” and that it’s good to be different. We are all different!

8A played a small game of bingo. The cards had different types of people’s hair.


Miss Robertson then…

15 Mar

8P week 4, 15/3/24

This week we have been very busy taking part in lots of activities. 

We celebrated Neurodiversity week by learning about how we are all different, in the way we process information and the way we think. 
This was a very interesting lesson, and we all learnt lots of interesting facts.


8 Feb

Mental Health week in 8A

Mental Health week in 8A


It was lovely to see 8A learners in school on Monday, wearing green to celebrate Mental Health week . 

This Mental Health week, we are focusing on “My Voice Matters'”, and the class has had several chats, explaining that there are different ways the learners can…

26 Jan

11R Explore Hinduism - World Religion Week

Over the last couple of weeks, 11R have explored Hinduism for our World Religion learning. We have spent time looking at Hindu celebrations and learnt all about how Hindu’s celebrate Diwali. We learn about how Hindu's celebrate Diwali by creating intricate and colourful patterns called 'rangoli',…

22 Jan

World Religion Week - 2024

What a wonderful week Astley Park had last week for World Religion Week.  

Each class enjoyed exploring and learning about their allocated religions though a variety of personalised activities including Attention Autism, Crafts, Circle Times, Research and Writing and Cooking. Wow, everyone was…

22 Jan

7A learn about Judaism

Last week was World Religion Week at Astley Park and in 7A we were learning about Judaism. 

7A participated in various activities across the week learning different facts about Judaism. We took part in Circle Times, listened to stories, explored artefacts and cooked Hamantaschen Cookies. 


19 Jan

World Religion Week in 9P

9P had so much fun learning about Sikhism this week.

We learned about the five K’s and the core values of Sikhism: pray, work, give.

We explored some of the Sikh resources in school and some of our learners had fun trying on traditional Indian clothing. Well done to everyone in class for…

19 Jan

World Religion Week in 8A

World Religion Week in 8A


This week at Astley Park School, it’s been “World Religion Week”.

8A looked at Buddhism religion.

The learners watched a PowerPoint about what Buddhist beliefs are. 

8A listened to a story about how Siddhartha Gautama became a Buddha and what he taught…