19 Jan

7P explore Judaism

7P have had another great week and have coped well with different adults in class.

7P have worked hard in their usual curriculum topics as well as our work on Judaism this week. 7P had their first week back at swimming for Group 1 and they swam very well, changed independently and travelled…

19 Jan

A busy week in Maple Class!

Maple class have had a very busy week this week, we are enjoying being back at school!

On Monday, we enjoyed making jam sandwiches in our cookery session! We have been working on our cutting and spreading skills. We all enjoyed tasting the jam and did brilliant listening when following…

19 Jan

Rowan Class explore Hinduism

For World Religion Week Rowan Class have been exploring Hinduism.

We enjoyed lots of multi-sensory activities: practicing Bollywood dancing, tasting traditional food, practicing saying hello, and we made some traditional Hindu sweets called Barfi in Food Technology.

Well done Rowan Class and…

19 Jan

11G Learn all about Hinduism

This week 11G have learned about the religion Hinduism.

On Tuesday we did some cooking with Mrs Fisher and Mr Crofts. We made samosas using filo pastry and the filling inside consisted of potatoes, onions, peas with cayenne pepper and cumin to season. We all tried them and most of us liked…

19 Jan

Chestnut Class explore Buddhism

Chestnut Class have loved the snow this week and spent lots of time outdoors exploring, scooping and throwing snow balls!

In PSHE we have been focussing on identifying and recognising facial features through songs, mirrors and matching activities and creating collages.

During Food tech we…

19 Jan

8P week 2 19/1/24

It has been a very snowy and cold week for 8P, but we have kept warm by getting involved in lots of activities. 

A visit by a P.C.S.O. from our local Police force was extremely interesting. This was arranged as part of the ‘My Community’ curriculum - Employer encounters. 
We were encouraged to…

19 Jan

Beech class explore nature

This week in Beech class we have explored nature in a variety of environments in the world around us. 

On Monday, we explored “farmyards”- we played with lots of farmyard animals and made an angel delight mud bath for the pigs!

On Tuesday, we explored the snow and icy weather with a lovely…

18 Jan

Willow class learn about Islam

Willow class have been learning about Islam as part of World Religion Week. Everyone engaged well in a special “What’s in the box” session which was all about Islam.  We listened to the Call To Prayer and the children could choose to try on a hijab or a taqiyah and kneel on a prayer mat. We…

16 Jan

9A Week 2- Term 2

On Monday morning we had maths. We finished off our Capacity work and played a game to test how much we remembered. In my communication we had a think of some questions about the police to ask the PCSO on Wednesday. After lunch we did yoga to help get us ready to learn again. Then we learnt about…

12 Jan

World Religion Week 2024

Astley Park School are proud to be celebrating World Religion Week next week (15/01/24-19/01/24).

Each class has been allocated a different religion to learn about though a variety of lessons and experiences across the week. Please see the list below to see what religions individual classes…

15 Dec

8A celebrating Hanukkah

Celebrating Hanukkah in 8A


Today 8A Celebrated Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of light.

The learners watched a PowerPoint, telling them what this means, why and how it is celebrated.

Firstly the learners learnt that Hanukkah means “ rededicate” which in turns means to make something…

15 Dec

Hanukkah in 9A

Today in 9A we have been learning about Hanukkah which is the Jewish festival of light. We looked at how Jewish people might celebrate. We learned what the menorah represents and then we made our own menorah lamps. In food tech we had a go at making some Hanukkah sweets. Everyone thought they were…