19 Sep

11R - Group B - What a busy few days

What a busy few days we have had!

Our amazing plans for our Green Zone bags have been completed and our bags are looking fantastic. We have worked really hard on thinking about what we need to do to keep or move into the Green Zone and have tried a range of different activities to see if these…

4 Sep

Welcome Back to 11R B Group

This week we have been Working on our Covid story and thinking about things we enjoy and things we found challenging during lockdown. We are going to use our ideas to make a presentation to share with our friends.

We have also been doing lots of different activities around the Zones of…

31 Jan

I like you a choc-o-lot! Valentines Disco Preparations

Thank you to all those who donated chocolate for today’s non-uniform.  Learners in 11G have been working hard all morning to organise the donations into tombola prizes.  To be in with a chance to win some of these chocolate goodies all you have to do is attend our school Valentines disco on…

27 Jan

KS4 work with Lancashire Community Police on Online Safety

KS4 classes worked with our local PCSO today discussing how we can stay safe online. We watched videos and compared what we do in person to what we do online. 

The aim of this workshop is to help pupils learn what to question when accessing the internet. To better prepare themselves when…