9G Summer 1 Week 2
Another very sunny and fabulous week in 9G!
On Monday we started the week with My Thinking and Problem Solving where we continued with our number work and started to show how well we know our coins. Some learners were matching coins, and others were able to show they knew the names of the…
Rowan summer 1 - Week 2
Another busy week in Rowan class!
We have been busy practicing our writing this week and writing words about our class story ‘Pirates Love Underpants’. We got creative and made our own pirate swords using different craft materials.
In ‘My Thinking and Problem Solving’ we have been focusing…
A super, sunny start to Summer Term in 7A
Wow! What a fantastic start to our new half term in 7A! Our new topic is Happy Campers and we are really excited for all the outdoor learning opportunities to come. If you haven’t yet sent your child in with a change of clothes and shoes, please could you send these in on Monday.
In My…
9G are Happy Campers!
Welcome back 9G!
It has been a lovely first week back!
9G settled back in very quickly on the first day. We had a lovely circle time in the morning where we took turns to share out weekend news, played some communication games and had a good catch up! Then in the afternoon we were very…
Pirates in Rowan
Ahoy there everyone!
Rowan have had a busy start to a new term.
Our new Theme of Pirates has delighted the children who have enjoyed exploring our new pirate role play area. We have introduced our new story 'Pirates love underpants' which they have all enjoyed and participated well with,…
An eggcelent end to Spring Term in 7A!
Wow what a wonderful end to Spring Term we have had in 7A. It has been assessment week but we have done lots of lovely Easter activities to break the week up, enjoyed a McDonald's lunch on Wednesday as our end of term class treat, and finished the week off with an Easter hunt complete with Easter…
8R have an ‘eggxcellent’ week
8R have had such a busy and wonderful week this week!
We have all done some wonderful writing and written a diary entry pretending to be an evacuee from World War 2. Miss Brophy was soooo impressed with these!
During the rest of our week we have got super crafty and created some wonderful…
Happy Easter Sycamore
We have had a lovely few weeks all being back together.
This week we have all been very busy working on our own targets. We have all focused brilliantly and worked really hard, Well done Sycamore.
We have been continuing with our outdoor and indoor movement. We have been working…
Rowan having an egg-cellent time!
This week in Rowan class we have done some egg-citing activities.
We did an egg-stravegant Easter egg hunt!
We had an egg-static game of Easter bingo!
We made some egg-stremly yummy chocolate rice crispy cakes!
Hope you all have an egg-ceptional Easter holiday and…
Volcanoes EXPLODE in 7A!
Wow what another busy week we have had in 7A! Take a look at the photo gallery below to see the fun things we have been up to!
In My Thinking and Problem Solving we have been focusing on our functional skills and learning to tell the time, as well as continuing to work on our individual number…
Red Nose Day in Sycamore!
Today Sycamore Class have enjoyed celebrating Red Nose Day!
In class we have our very own Red Nose Day competition; creating and designing a red nose just for us. We were challenged to use different colours, drawings, patterns and to be as neat as we could. To make our challenge even harder…
9G are Superheroes!
9G have settled in well to their second week all back together.
We started the week working with Mr Murphy, finishing off our space pictures! We then took part in a Me and My Body session with Miss Hendy where we talked about our bodies, the differences between boys and girls, and what…