There’s a lion in Sycamore’s cornflakes
A lion in cornflakes? We listened to the story of The Lion in Cornflakes and had a go at making our own lions. Some of us used paint, some used colours and some of us did cutting and sticking. We all enjoyed making some brilliant lions. Roarrrrrrrr.
Sycamore had a lovely time making…
7A are all back together
7A have loved being back together this week. What fun we have had!
On Monday, we spent the day rebuilding our relationships and defamiliarising ourselves with the school routine and expectations.
On Tuesday, we began refocusing on our number skills in My Thinking and Problem Solving and…
9G Reunite
It has been such a great week having all of 9G back together finally!
Everyone has done so well, settling back into the routine and getting back into the swing of the classroom.
This week we have focused on remembering our routines, playing with our friends, and getting back into the swing…
Sycamore all back together!
It has been a very busy week here in Sycamore!
We have loved seeing all our friends and hearing what they have been up to while they have been at home.
This week we have been looking at the story of the little red hen. We loved the story, asking lots of questions and making…
8G Avengers Assemble! All our superhero’s back together
What an exciting week we’ve had in 8G.
The first excitement was when our friends, who have been learning from home, returned to school on Monday. It was fantastic to see Eshan, Tyler, Jacob and Harry back in our classroom - we can’t believe how much they’ve all grown though.
World Book Day in 9G
It has been another super busy week in 9G. We have been celebrating World Book Day, and continuing very hard with our shape, number and sight reading work. As well as this we have completed some Monster's Inc ICT work for Mr Murphy! You can also see that our learners at home have been busy working…
Lights, Camera, Action in 7A!
7A have had a very busy week! We have been working hard and we are so excited to have everybody back in school next week.
In My Thinking and Problem Solving this week we have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour on analogue and digital clocks, as well as engaging in…
Oak Class celebrate World Book Day
Oak class have been superheroes this week! We have had so much fun in forest school, on the climbing frame and of course, in our classroom where we explored our chosen book - Supertato.
For World Book Day, we practiced making prints with potatoes, made our own Supertatos and dressed up as…
World Book Day in 7A
We have had a wonderful World Book Day in 7A.
This morning we had a Circle Time video call with the learners at home to share our costumes and our favourite books. Connor and Owen R dressed up as Manchester United players from their football manuals; Jake dressed up as Ratburger from his…
World Book Week in Sycamore
We have been very busy in Sycamore class this week, We have been focussing on the story of Lost and Found. We have enjoyed hearing all about the boy and the penguin. We discussed how the boy and the penguin could get to the south pole and how the penguin was feeling at different parts in the…
Rowan Class World Book Day
Rowan have had another busy week! As well as celebrating World Book Day on Thurs and having lots of fun......
We have done some super maths learning again all about money and the children are working very hard to learn new skills with money
We have been talking about strangers this week too…
Rainbow week in 8G 2021
This week we have celebrated Rainbow Week in 8G.
We have have all enjoyed taking part in lots of fun, rainbow themed activities including making glittery rainbow ice balls and a colour mixing Skittles experiment as part of our World About Me topic. We made some beautiful rainbow heart…