22 Jan

9G Learning at Home and World Religion Week - Week 2

It has been another busy week for everyone in 9G this week both at home and at school! Let's take a look!

Learners in School

We have been so busy doing lots of work around our topic Let's go the movies, and learning about Buddhism as part of World Religion week. 

We have been focusing on…

22 Jan

Spring Week 4 in 7A

Hi 7A

What a full fun packed week we have had in school and at home.

On Monday, Mrs Fisher was teaching maths. Some of the children in school was working either on numicon shapes up to 10, different number bonds to 20 and practicing 2 times table and dividing by 2. 7A also played a number…

15 Jan

To Infinity and Beyond in 7A

Wow what a busy second week back!


In 7A our new theme is “Let’s Go to the Movies”. During My Communication lessons, learners both in school and at home have finished watching Toy Story and completing written tasks using colourful semantics, practicing using capital letters, full stops and…

15 Jan

9G Split Success

Hello all of 9G, both at home and school! 

Can I just say you have all been amazing considering the changes we have had this week! Those in school are also learning a little differently than those of you at home and you have all embraced the challenge! Well done!

Learners in School


18 Dec

Busy Little Chestnut Elves

Chestnut Class have had a lovely time over the past few weeks getting Christmassy. We have been like busy little elves making lots of crafts to take home at the end of term. We have all done super listening whilst developing our fine motor skills, to make lovely gifts for our families. We can’t…

17 Dec

Christmas is coming in Rowan Class!

Our last week in Rowan class before Christmas and we have been doing lots of Christmas activities!


Bingo! Rowan class loved Christmas bingo on Tuesday. 


On Wednesday we had our breakfast with Santa. It was so exciting wearing our pyjamas, seeing Santa and receiving our presents…

11 Dec


This has been an amazing week in 9G! 

We have really got into the Christmas spirit this week. The week started with a little bit of sad news and the cheeky elf had been mixing bubbles with some of the other elves! We got a letter from Father Christmas encouraging us to put Elf in a jar for the…

11 Dec

Rowan - Christmas Fun

This week in Rowan class we have been doing lots of Christmas activities. 

On Wednesday we had our Christmas dinner cooked by the wonderful staff in the kitchen at school which was delicious. 

Thursday we learnt about Hanukkah and created our own Star of David and Menorah. In the afternoon…

9 Dec

Oak Class: A Sneak Peek

This week Oak class have been working extremely hard to put our clip together for the schools Christmas Performance ‘Coronativity’. We’re very excited for our parents to see what we have done.


4 Dec

9G Learning about Sadaqah

9G have taken part in an activity this week where we have made our own Sadaqah Jars or Kindness Jars. Sadaqah is about being charitable to others, and we are doing this in class by being kind to one another. 

All the parents sent in lots of Jars for 9G so there was enough for other classes to…

27 Nov

Under the sea!

This week Rowan class have been learning about sea animals and all things sea related! Our fairy tale story this half term is The Little Mermaid, so our work for the next few weeks will be sea themed. 

For My Creativity we had to rescue different plastic animals from the ice. We had to choose…

27 Nov

Oak look at Hansel and Gretel

This week Oak Class have moved away from Little Mermaid and have moved to looking at Hansel and Gretel. This week:

  • In My Communication we have explored a new sensory story, exploring the props to help our understanding. We have practiced our reading and writing skills through colourful…