What’s the weather?
What another amazing week 7P.
This week we have got to know each other a little better and begun to explore our topic of weather. We showed our teachers what our writing is like and went on a rainbow and autumn hunt around school. We then made cakes for Macmillan coffee morning and worked…

8A are back in action!
Good Afternoon,
I’d like to start by announcing this years Student Counsellors. We had a close run election but the majority voted Teegan our Student Counsellor and Olivia our Deputy. All our pupils treated the voting process with high level of respect!
I have to say 8A have hit the…

7P Super Star First Week
What an amazing first week in 7P! Take a look at all the pictures to see what we have been up to!
This week we welcomed 4 new friends to Astley Park but we are all new to 7P! We are now all super friends and are working really well on our job roles, teamwork and getting used to our…

Willow class practice ordering food
Willow class are very good at ordering food for snack time and paying using our snack money so we have been putting these skills to the test out in the community!
Last week willow class went to Asda cafe to practice asking for what they’d like, listening to the total needed and finding the…

Den Building in 7A - Problem Solved
Well I knew the pupils in 7A had worked hard this year and they have been rewarded by making a sweep at the Annual Secondary Awards!
Gemma (Pupil of the Year), Joseph (Secondary Positivity Value Award), Jake (Secondary Teamwork Value Award) and Alfie & Grace (School Councillor Awards).…

Willow class sharing our learning - summer cafe sharing our food technology skills!
What a lovely afternoon for willow class hosting our families for sharing our learning!
The children worked hard this week to cook a selection of the foods we have been learning to bake this term, ready to host a cafe afternoon with our families. The children made sausage rolls, chocolate…

7A’s Super Week
Well, what another busy week it has been in 7A Class. The pupils have worked well in a variety of lessons, but the highlight has to be our dance performance with Dave and Dave from Dance-syndrome. All the year 7’s excelled in this performance, which was choreographed by our former…

7P Final Half Term
7P have been super busy on their first week back to school and our final half term!
We had a challenge this week where the teachers did not help with a baking task and the learners had to use visuals to work out what to do! 7P did really well with this and successfully made the frozen fruit…

Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in Style!
Wow! What an absolutely fantastic day we have all had celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee at the Astley Park Funfair!! Pupils and staff have enjoyed a day full of excitement and nobody could keep a smile off their face when they walked into the school decorated in red, white and…

7A Super Saxons !
This week 7A have been looking at the Anglo Saxons and what weapons they used to fight in the battle against the Vikings. At the start of the week they looked at what they used to defend themselves. The children made some amazing shields and designed their very own pattern to go on the front of…

7P talk about right or wrong actions as part of mental health awareness week!
7P have worked so hard this week! You can see a variety of pictures below of circus skills, role play, going to the shop, playing games and cooking!
We have focused this week on Mental Health Awareness Week and Loneliness. 7P were able to recognise right and wrong actions around this topic…

7P showing their independence and getting busy!
7P have had an amazing couple of weeks
Last week we got back into the swing of things after residential, working on our team work skills during parachute games, walking Coco and we also did some circus yoga!
This last week 7P have started their week by half of the group going on a…