9 Jun

Cricket, Vegetables and Animals in 8A

Well what a great first week back in the sunshine we’ve had. Our vegetables and herbs have really grown and some were even ready for picking. Look at our radishes!

We began our week with our swimming lessons back at Hindley and  then drove straight to Lytham St Anne’s beach. We made sure we had…

19 May

11G complete their amazing Triathlon

This afternoon the pupils have complete their Triathlon for Rosemere cancer foundation. We visited All Seasons gym and the pupils went on the different pieces of equipment, treadmill, cross trainer, rowing machine and the bikes to make up their kilometres. 

Everyone was amazing and took it in…

19 May

8A Summer 1Week 5

Well it’s almost the holiday week but Miss Bentham continues to work us hard. We have worked hard learning time and Miss Bentham tests us at every opportunity.

We were very lucky to have a visit from a Buddhist Monk who taught us how to meditate. This is something we can do everyday to help us…

18 May

11G Continue their Triathlon

On Thursday afternoon 11G went to Astley Park to take part in their 30k walk in  aid of Rosemere Cancer Foundation. 

Some of the pupils walked around the perimeter of the park, meeting up halfway round at the cafe. While the others walked up to the cafe and back to the entrance. 

We all…

12 May

8A Last of the Bank Holidays!

Well that’s the last of the Bank Holiday weeks for us. We continue to get busy in 8A. Our whole class trips took us to Astley Park this week. The weather was kind to us as we walked there and enjoyed some time on the park. The clouds began to appear so we set off back to school to miss the rain. 

21 Apr

8A Fun Filled Week.

We all returned after the Easter Break ready to get back into lessons. What a fun filled and packed week Miss Bentham had in store for us. 
Our community groups have now changed and we are going out as a full class once a week. This half term we will be visiting Withy Grove Park in Bamber…

21 Apr

8A Bowling Kings!

8A represented Astley Park in the Chorley High School Bowling competition this week. The event was organised by Chorley Sports Partnership and was held at Escape Entertainment Chorley. We were put into 2 teams  and took over lanes 5 and 6. Our Team Managers were Mr Crew and Mrs Devlin, who aren’t…

4 Apr

Easter Holiday Heroes - Day 1 (4th April) All Groups

What a fabulous day we've had on our first day of Holiday Heroes this Easter.

Group 1 (pupils from Beech, Chestnut, Maple and Oak classes) went on a trip to Space Sensory rooms in Preston. Everyone had a great time jumping in the ball pit, taking turns on the amazing slide and relaxing on the…

29 Mar

11R Sponsored swim 2023


Congratulations to 11R

After lots of hard work, 11R are pleased to inform you that they took part in the sponsored swim today.

Swimming over 250 lengths, AMAZING!

The journey back to school was very quiet, as sleep filled the bus! 

All money raised is being used to help with…

24 Mar

What a Wonderful Week in 8A

Well what another wonderful week we have had in 8A. Miss Bentham has been working hard teaching us how to keep ourselves safe online. Some of the pupils were shocked to learn that Alexa listens to everything we say and will link to our phones or iPads to try and persuade us to buy things Alexa has…

24 Mar

This week’s capers in 7A.

On Tuesday it was World Down Syndrome Day, we all wore odd socks in support. Everyone loved looking at each other’s socks and chose favourites. We coloured in socks in lots of different colours,read the story ‘We are all different’ then discussed and came up with 3 things each about what makes us…

17 Mar

A busy week in Maple Class

Maple Class learners have been super busy this week as we enjoy lots of different activities and special days. On Monday we celebrated Science Week and the theme this year was ‘Connections’. Maple Class have been identifying mystery scents during Attention Autism sessions and expressing whether we…