17 May

9A- Week 5- Summer 1


This week in 9A we have been looking at Character descriptions. We read a description of a character and then had to draw what we thought they looked like from the description. We had some brilliant interpretations and pictures. 
On  Monday we were lucky enough to have a special yoga…

17 May

8As Yoga and Bikeability

On Monday morning 8A participated in a 20 minute yoga session. We had a lovely lady called Tracey that came into school to take this yoga session. 

Firstly, we concentrated on our breathing and how our tummy moves when we do deep breathing, breathing in through our noses and out through our…

14 May

It’s good to be me in 11G

Over this half term in our learner led “good to be me” sessions we have been talking about “worries.” Through our group discussions we have realised that we all have worries and feel anxious sometimes and this is ok. We have talked about what worries us and some of us have very similar…

24 Apr

9A Summer 1 Week 1

What a great first week back for 9A. We all came back well rested with lots of stories about what the learners did over the holidays.

The learners were all put into different houses for the half term and are linked up with learners in  year 7 and 8. They will be earning points for the houses.…

23 Feb

Welcome back Chestnut Class

Chestnut Class learners have had a very busy start to the half term!  We have been learning about primary colours in a range of activities including mixing paints and coloured water into jars to create secondary colours.  This week we started our Recycling sessions and we thoroughly enjoyed…

7 Feb

Safer Internet Day 2024

On Tuesday 6th February we celebrated Safer Internet Day at Astley Park School.

Our dedicated team of Digital Leaders have been meeting regularly this term to discuss ideas for the day. The Digital Leaders have also spoken to their classmates to find out what they are worried about online, and…

26 Jan

Chestnut Class Week 4

This week Chestnut have enjoyed exploring utensils from the kitchen as part of our House and Homes topic.

We enjoyed Stage 2 AA watching Miss Spear create a fabulous recipe using flour and cream and took turns to sprinkle using a colander.

During Maths themed AA we watched as Miss created a…

19 Jan

Chestnut Class explore Buddhism

Chestnut Class have loved the snow this week and spent lots of time outdoors exploring, scooping and throwing snow balls!

In PSHE we have been focussing on identifying and recognising facial features through songs, mirrors and matching activities and creating collages.

During Food tech we…

18 Jan

Happy New Year Chestnut Class!

It’s been great to see everyone back in Chestnut class and get back into routines this week. As part of our house and homes topic, children have enjoyed 3 Little Pigs Attention Autism and even helped to ‘blow’ the houses down! We’ve been building structures and enjoying different homes in the…

8 Dec

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit!
We’ve have enjoyed Christmas themed Attention Autism, learning key words, sprinkling frost on trees and creating twinkling stars during Stage 3. We loved tracking the exciting Christmas toys during Stage 1 and communicating for…

20 Nov

9A week 4 - Term 2

This weeks blog in learners own words. 

On Monday morning we did maths. We all did some different number work and problems. Then we did my communication, we wrote the conflict and resolution parts of our science- fiction stories. In the afternoon we did relax and then we did understanding…

17 Nov

Thank you for being a friend in 8A

Thank you for being a friend in 8A


This week has been “Friendship week” at Astley Park. 

We have been looking out for our learners being kind towards other. 

We have seen learners looking after their friends whilst out walking to and from Asda in the high winds. We have also seen…