13 May

Sycamore Celebrate Eid!

This week Sycamore have been busy learning new facts about ‘Islam’ and the festival of ‘Eid’.


We have been learning that;

  • Islam is a religion.
  • Muslims are people who follow Islam.
  • Eid is a Muslim festival, celebrated at the end of Ramadan.
  • Ramadan is when grown up Muslims do…
13 May

Rowan celebrate Eid

Today Rowan class have learnt about Eid and how it is celebrated.


We worked in small groups to make our own star shaped biscuits and enjoyed eating them together at snack time.


Super learning today Rowan!! 


12 May

Beech class celebrate Eid

This week Beech class enjoyed exploring lots of moon and star textures to celebrate Eid.



12 May

11R learn about Eid

This week in 11R we have been learning about the Muslim festival, Eid. 

Together we learnt that Eid is also known as 'The Festival of Breaking the Fast'. Eid celebrates the ending of a month long fast called Ramadan. 

We found out that the date of Eid changes each year and is dependent on…

30 Apr

10G says no to racism!


10G have been learning all about racism today. We talked all about why we are all wearing red today and what today means. 

First we talked about what we thought racism was and we knew that it was to do with being unkind. Then Miss Robertson read through a PowerPoint all about what racism…

30 Apr

8R create potions and wear red

8R have been super busy this week! We are all ready for a nice long weekend.

We started off our week by being challenged by Miss Brophy to a Kahoot quiz. She thought she would manage to trick us with some questions about time, money, capacity and shape... BUT we all did amazing and she was so…

16 Apr

A super, sunny start to Summer Term in 7A

Wow! What a fantastic start to our new half term in 7A! Our new topic is Happy Campers and we are really excited for all the outdoor learning opportunities to come. If you haven’t yet sent your child in with a change of clothes and shoes, please could you send these in on Monday. 

In My…

16 Apr

Willow Class’s month of Ramadan

In Willow class we have been learning about Ramadan, a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community observed by Muslims worldwide. 

Miss Riley explained what Ramadan is and what it means to Muslims. We looked at how Muslims practice their faith during this time and what extra…

26 Mar

9G's Eggtastic Week

What a fabulous last week we have had in 9G! 

Everyone has worked super hard on their assessments, showing the staff in class that they have made some super progress so far this year! Well done 9G!

We have kept ourselves busy with Easter and Spring themed activities, and ended the week on a…

26 Mar

10G’s eggcellent week!


10G have had a busy and eggcellent week. We have been learning all about how to stay healthy and what meals and snacks we should be eating. We have also been very busy practising our reading and counting skills. We have worked very hard on this and have all achieved a lot since we have…

26 Feb

One week closer to us all being together again 10G!

Wow 10G, what a great week you have had. You have all been working really hard this week and Miss Robertson, Mrs McShane and Mrs Jones are all very proud of you all. You have all been super busy learning all about the LGBTQ community and all about different families, same love. We all read a story…

12 Feb

10G smashed another lockdown!

Wow 10G. We made it to half term. We have all been learning from home this half term. It has been very strange but we have enjoyed still being able to see each other four days a week on our TEAMS calls and understand that we need to stay safe at home. We have all had another busy week this week.…