22 Sep

8P SPACE Centre

8P had a fantastic time at the SPACE Centre today! 
They all made very good choices and we all had the best time.

We can’t wait to go again in two weeks. 
Keep up the good work, 8P!

22 Sep

Fun at the park with Rowan Class

This week we have been enjoying a community visit to the park.

We all walked very sensibly, holding hands and looking for dangers.

At the park we enjoyed exploring all the different areas with our friends.

Well done all and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team

22 Sep

7A Week 3

This week we finished our stories. Using the iPad we wrote, typed and added pictures to complete our stories. The stories were fantastic and our teachers loved reading them. What great imaginations! 

As part of our PE lesson this week we did some dancing. We loved copying the moves from the big…

22 Sep

10A Start our Community Visits

This week 10A went on the first of our weekly community visits into Chorley town centre.
To start off, we cleared some room in class, and kindly donated some unwanted books to a local charity shop. Everyone was very sensible and mature, carrying a bag full of books each.

We then had a walk to…

22 Sep

9A To Infinity and Beyond.

9A continue to work hard on their termly topic To Infinity and Beyond. This week we  have completed our planets to make our own solar system. We have had lots of compliments on our final display. We made model rockets and aliens in My Creativity. This lead to a discussion about whether aliens…

22 Sep

8A are out of this world

This week 8A was introduced to our new topic, “To Infinity and Beyond”.


We have looked very closely at the moon, and the learners used describing words to write a small poem about how the moon looks. There was some brilliant words used by the learners and some good sentence…

22 Sep

Beech class go on a bear hunt!

This week Beech class have been on a bear hunt!

In attention autism, Mrs Barrand first led us through the sensory story. Then, we all had a turn at exploring the obstacles from the story ourselves. We swished through the grass, splashed through the water, squelched through the mud, stumbled…

22 Sep

11R Go to Chorley in Bloom

Yesterday 11R had their first visit to Chorley in Bloom! We walked from school to the main site and met the volunteers who would be helping us during our sessions.

Iris sat us down and talked through some basic safety instructions we would need to follow whilst on site; including no running and…

19 Sep

11R Make Breakfast for 11G!

This morning 11R made bacon butties for 11G as part of their Young Enterprise PSD unit. Last week we planned out what we would need; both the equipment and the ingredients, and talked through the method of making a bacon butty.

Yesterday afternoon, we had a practice go at making them, learning…

18 Sep

7P Week 2 Autumn 1

7P had another great week.

We really got into our routine this week and started to show the teachers in 7P how good we are. This week we have demonstrated our independence skills by making fruit kebabs in cooking. We all had a go at this and even if we didn’t want to eat it we persevered and…

16 Sep

8P Week 2 - what a great week!

8P had a fantastic second week back!

This week, we…

- Learnt about Smashing stereotypes

- Learnt about Florence Nightingale
- Were assessed by Miss Buck on reading and writing letters 

- Were assessed by Miss Buck on reading and writing numbers to 10/20 

- Continued to participate…

15 Sep

Another fun week for Willow. 15/9/23

It has been a very busy and enjoyable second week in Willow class as we have all been learning lots of new things and building up friendships within class. 

We all enjoyed making salt dough which was very messy but great fun, especially when we turned the salt dough into our very own hedgehogs…