15 Sep

11G Week 2 Autumn Term

We have had a busy second week back this week and hope everyone is ready to ramp things up again next week as we properly get back into our full timetable of lessons!

On Monday morning we voted for our new class councillors. Clayton volunteered to be deputy and Lily and Katie both volunteered…

15 Sep

9P have settled back into school life.

This week 9P have been busy bee’s.

We have been working extremely hard on our conversation and writing skills, using our chatter mats, soundswrite and playing Guess Who!

On Tuesday and Wednesday we split into our groups and went to Asda, we took turns in getting items off the shopping list,…

15 Sep

Week 2 in Rowan Class

We have had a very busy week in Rowan Class.

We have explored textures in My Creativity - making ice creams and flowers with smooth and rough materials. We have used some brilliant communication to comment on fruits we like and enjoyed making cakes in cooking, using some fantastic problem…

15 Sep

7A week 2

On Monday 7A had their P.E lesson. We had a go at working as a team during the parachute game. Everyone worked really well, following instructions and working together. 

On Tuesday everyone in class worked together to make a healthy fruit salad. We all took turns at chopping and peeling and…

15 Sep

8A Vision Boards

This week, 8A has been looking at “Vision Boards”. 

The class firstly spoke about what they want to achieve this school year, either at school or at home. 


The class then looked at different areas of vision. We looked at what the learners are grateful for, self-care ideas, a phrase or…

15 Sep

Week 2 in Sycamore!

What a busy week! This week we have been focusing on friendships and feelings. The children have made some friendship soup. The children choose what quality they like to have in a friend and we added that with some food colouring to our super friendship soup. 

We have all worked really hard…

15 Sep

9A Goes Bananas

We have had another fantastic week in 9A this week. On Monday we painted our papier-mâché  planets and they are looking great. Tuesday we went on a wet walk through the woods at Haigh hall where all the pupils loved looking out for woodland creatures and exploring. On Wednesday we had our first…

15 Sep

Week 2 in Maple Class!

This week we have had so much fun taking part in different activities. 

On Monday we had P.E in the hall. We explored the different equipment climbing, sliding, and riding on the scooters, didi cars and the scooter boards. 

In the afternoon we used paint and cars to mark make and make tracks…

15 Sep

All things bears in Beech

This week Beech class have been exploring all things bears! 

We have looked at lots of different types of bears; polar bears, koala bears, panda bears, and of course teddy bears!

For our Attention Autism sessions this week, everyone has done “good sitting” to watch Mrs Barrand create bear…

15 Sep

Week 2 in Chestnut Class

What a wonderful and busy week we’ve had in Chestnut Class!

As part of our topic, ‘In the Toy Box’ we have been exploring teddy bears through Attention Autism Stage 2 reveals, creative tasks - we created our own bear faces and during Food Tech we have been followed instructions and expressed…

14 Sep

10A Play Hockey

In this weeks P.E lesson, 10A learnt how to play hockey. To start, they played a warm up game. Mrs Tolan then showed the pupils the correct way to hold the hockey stick and how to pass the ball. The pupils practiced pushing the ball with the stick. They then passed the ball to their partner, using…

8 Sep

Willow first week back

Welcome back to pupils and staff in Willow class. 

We have all had a fantastic week getting to know new friends and renewing  old friendships through lots of fun activities.

It has been very busy but by Friday we were all settling into our new routines and we are looking forward to all the…