10 May

Nuffield Health Centre

After a short warmup activity with Ashley the group started their circuit of gym equipment. Ashley observed that the group have made great progress in both using the equipment and in the level of intensity. The sledge posed an excellent challenge and each member chose the additional weight they…

10 May

10A Orienteering in Worden Park

On Thursday we enjoyed an afternoon orienteering around Worden Park.

Before we left we learnt compass markings and how to orientate the map.

Once we got to Worden Park we split into our groups and had a great time in the sunshine using our maps to locate the stations

We then took it in…

10 May

Chestnut Class make ice cream

This week in Chestnut class we have continued to explore our theme, ‘Under the Sea’ through Attention Autism, a sensory story about the beach and songs. 
Small groups have been accessing swim sessions with Mrs Hylands on a Monday and Astley Park on Tuesday afternoons with Mrs Lane focusing on our…

10 May

Great week in Willow class

Willow class had a fantastic week last week. We enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a sea turtles and doing fun activities related to that. We also enjoyed our trip to Asda where we bought items off a shopping list to make our under the sea themed biscuits for next week. All of Willow class…

10 May

Maple Class enjoy the sun!

Maple Class have had a brilliant week this week! We have enjoyed our under the sea topic and really enjoyed the sunny weather! 

We have continued to explore under the sea in sensory sessions, continuous provision activities, attention autism and sensology! We have learnt lots of new vocabulary…

10 May

Beech Class explore Homes and Habitats


This week Beech class have been exploring homes and habitats. 

In attention autism we watched Mrs Barrand make a bug house, spider webs and mud houses for the pigs! We have enjoyed making playdoh insects, decorating our own spider webs and had a turn at making our own houses for the…

9 May

7A - Summer 1 - Week 3 & 4

Over the past two-weeks 7A have continued exploring fantasy texts in our My Communication lessons and have recently read the book ‘Leon and the Place In Between’. The majority of 7A preferred this book to our first book ‘The Tin Forest’ because it was about magic and was more exciting to read.…

9 May

9P tidying up our school

9P went around the grounds of the school picking up litter. Now that the weather is improving, they wanted to have a nice place to all the school to play in.

8 May

Mrs Crouch visits 10A with her baby.

10A have been learning Parenting Awareness as part of our ASDAN studies- and this week we have had a visit from Mrs Crouch and her baby!

We asked her lots of questions- and all came to the conclusion that babies can be very expensive, and are very demanding but they are also lots of…

4 May

Sycamore Class in the community

We have been on lots of community visits so far this Summer term, our learners have shown us how brilliant they can be whilst out and about! 

- Lovely independent walking

- Amazing road safety skills

- Super independent shopping 

Can’t wait to get out and about more! 

3 May

8P Summer 1 Week 3 - a great week!

We’ve had a fantastic week in 8P this week! 

On Monday, we did our weekend news. In the afternoon, we did our Athletics PE lesson and then did our differentiated PSHE lesson. The children focused really well in PE and PSHE this week. 

On Tuesday, half of the class went swimming and the other…

2 May

A fabulous week in Maple Class!

Another brilliant week in Maple Class, we are really enjoying our under the sea themed learning!

On Monday we did excellent learning in developing our Maths learning! We did lots of counting, adding and recognising numbers! Some of use did excellent counting and singing during our attention…