10A’s busy week!
This week has been mega busy in 10A. Jake was able to work with Chorley in Bloom and continue his Community Action Project. The whole class have been crazy busy working towards ASDAN qualifications in class and in the community, including sentence structure in English and measurement and time in…

8P week 3 26/1/24
The pupils of 8P have done lots of learning and fun activities this week.
We enjoyed a walk to Tesco, where we split into two groups to buy the ingredients for cooking and items for snack. We followed our shopping lists really well, and took turns carrying the basket, choosing the correct…

11R Explore Hinduism - World Religion Week
Over the last couple of weeks, 11R have explored Hinduism for our World Religion learning. We have spent time looking at Hindu celebrations and learnt all about how Hindu’s celebrate Diwali. We learn about how Hindu's celebrate Diwali by creating intricate and colourful patterns called 'rangoli',…

Beech class explore all things Beach!
This week in Beech class we have been exploring the seaside!
We’ve had lots of fun exploring sand trays, playing with sea animals and boats, and decorating sandy shells.
On Tuesday we got on the minibus and drove to Formby Beach. Unfortunately, the Beach was closed due to high winds, but we…
Setting ourselves goals in 11G
In class we talked about New Years Resolutions. Mr Crofts said that he sets goals and finds it hard to stick to them. Mrs Cobham said she starts the new year with good intentions but then forgets about it.
As a class we discussed what sort of activities we could do that could be achievable and…

Willow class w.c. 22.01.23
Willow class had a fantastic week last week, we are so proud of the progress they are making!
We started the week with some P.E. where we developed our striking and fielding skills in rounders. We practiced a throwing skills and our aim as we threw balls into hoops with our partners. We then…

9A week 3 - Term 2
This week in learners own words.
On Monday morning, Olivia joined us for a couple of hours, it was really nice to see her in school. We did maths and looked at time. We were putting the right time on the clock faces. After break we did some reading and Spelling. In the afternoon we started…

Super sycamore !
On Monday group 2 went swimming. We are so proud of the achievements of group 2 this week . All of the children got in the pool and have shown us confidence and so much willing . The children did some super scooping with arms , kicking and blowing bubbles in the water.
In maths we have continued…

Willow class enjoying the snow
Willow class enjoyed exploring the snow last week. We went on a winter walk and tried to find things on our sheets, we found footprints in the snow, a frozen spider’s web, catkins, frost and other things!
We then played in the snow and made a snowman, the children were really good at rolling…

World Religion Week - 2024
What a wonderful week Astley Park had last week for World Religion Week.
Each class enjoyed exploring and learning about their allocated religions though a variety of personalised activities including Attention Autism, Crafts, Circle Times, Research and Writing and Cooking. Wow, everyone was…

7A learn about Judaism
Last week was World Religion Week at Astley Park and in 7A we were learning about Judaism.
7A participated in various activities across the week learning different facts about Judaism. We took part in Circle Times, listened to stories, explored artefacts and cooked Hamantaschen Cookies.

Oak class explore habitats
For the past couple of weeks, Oak class have been exploring habitats. We made our own igloos, using glue and cotton wool, we tore the cotton wool and then used the glue to stick it down. We also cut some pictures out of animals that live in the cold and stuck them in the artic, some of these…