5 May

Summer 1 in 7P

What a busy few weeks 7P have had! 

We have started well on our swimming! We have seen lots of improvements since last half term, some of us even going further into the deep end or not wearing our arm bands! 

In P.E we have started basketball! Miss Hendy is really enjoying teaching…

5 May

Coronation Week in Oak Class

Oak Class have had a fantastic week celebrating the King’s Coronation! 

We have been making requests and commenting on objects using our communication and core boards! We created King Charles III window art and our very own Union Jack flags. We thoroughly enjoyed wearing crowns and singing ‘If…

4 May

10R Summer Term Week 3

Even though it’s been short, 10R have had a jam-packed week!

on Wednesday in the morning we had some maths assessments to do, and in the afternoon we had our PE lessons where we learnt what a compass was and how to use one. We learnt about how to find the other directions once you have found…

4 May

Earth Day in Maple Class

Last week Maple Class enjoyed the sensory story of Oliver’s Vegetables (a story about a little boy who only liked to eat chips!) Oliver visits his Grandpa’s garden to look for potatoes to make his favourite meal but finds lots of other vegetables which he tastes and really enjoys! Finally by the…

3 May

9A Earth Day

Last week, the pupils in 9A celebrated Earth Day! 


Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970. 


We completed a carousel of activities including: 

  • Earth Day crafts: making their own painted Earth…
28 Apr

KS4 Choices - Earth Day

First apologies from in KS4, if it rains, it’s probably our fault, we have been using our creative skills to make rain- makers, and whilst we all had fun doing this activity we would really like the weather to be fine all of this one weekend!

On a more serious note, we all learned lots of…

28 Apr

Earth Day in Rowan Class

We had lots of fun learning and exploring Earth Day 2023.

Learning new signs for the animals, flowers and insects that we could help.

We followed instructions to make bird feeders, planted some sunflower seeds and went litter picking around school.

Well done all!

Mrs Down and the Rowan…

27 Apr

We are independent in 8P !!

Today in 8P we have been working on communicating instructions. 

The children needed to give precise instructions to Mrs Chaloner on how to make a jam sandwich. 
The children started at basics - get the bread out of the bag , use the knife spread the butter etc 

When the children…

27 Apr

Earth Day 2023 in 8A.

This week school have been celebrating Earth Day 2023. Miss Bentham  spoke to us about looking after the environment. She showed us a video of The Ocean Clean Up campaign We were really surprised to see what was collected out at sea. Some of the pupils commented on how lazy people were. We then…

27 Apr

Sycamore chicks - let’s get settled into our new home !

The chicks are ready to go into their brooding . 

We moved the incubator into the brooding and lifted the lid off slowly . 

Some of the chicks were quite confident and happily jumped into their brooding and began exploring . 

Some of the chicks felt a little nervous and needed some…

27 Apr

Birthday Greetings. 27/4/23

Staff and pupils of 7A helped to celebrate Isobel’s 12th birthday this week with a yummy princess birthday cake, gifts  and games. 

We all had a fabulous time and Isobel looked amazing wearing her princess tiara all day. 

Happy Birthday Isobel.…

27 Apr

10G Summer Week 2

A short and sweet week this week in 10G, but we have still managed to get plenty done!

On Monday, we were all given our smart watches to wear when we are in school. This means that we can keep track of our steps every day. Our step target for Monday was 5000 steps before we leave school to come…