14 May

9R Learn About Eid

This week Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan with the celebration of Eid.

We watched a video in class all about this celebration and we learned lots of interesting facts.

Mrs Bigio supplied us with lots of edible items that we used to make our own Mosques.

We made cards to wish Happy…

14 May

Happy Eid from 10G!

Happy Eid everyone! 10G have had a lovely time this week learning all about Eid. First we all had a chat about what we thought Eid was and what religion celebrated it. Then we watched a video of children explaining all about what Eid is and learnt some fantastic facts about it such as the fact…

13 May

Maple class learn about Eid

This week, Maple class have learned that Eid is a festival celebrated by Muslims around the world. The children watched carefully as Miss Hothersall shook powder paint over shapes to reveal the crescent star and moon symbol of Islam. We helped the children to understand that Eid is a celebration…

13 May

Chestnut Class Enjoy Nature For Mental Health Awareness Week

This week has been Mental Health Awareness Week.

In Chestnut Class we have enjoyed some lovely, calming time in the great outdoors, and doing relax sessions in class.

We have been enjoying our outdoor area, listening to the birds and playing in the fresh air.

We have also been for lots of…

13 May

Chestnut Class Learn About Eid

Yesterday, Chestnut Class got busy learning about Eid.

We enjoyed an Attention Austism where Miss sprinkled sand and drew a moon and a star, and then sprinkled blue rice to make the sky.

Afterwards we all got creative, painting a paper plate blue for the sky, and painting a moon and star…

13 May

Mental Health Awareness Week in Sycamore!

Sycamore have been exploring activities this week to help them think about their feelings and the choices that they make. 


We have been enjoying circle times and talking about feelings and what makes us ‘happy’ or ‘sad’. We have also been talking about what we can do to make us happy and…

13 May

Sycamore Celebrate Eid!

This week Sycamore have been busy learning new facts about ‘Islam’ and the festival of ‘Eid’.


We have been learning that;

  • Islam is a religion.
  • Muslims are people who follow Islam.
  • Eid is a Muslim festival, celebrated at the end of Ramadan.
  • Ramadan is when grown up Muslims do…
13 May

Rowan celebrate Eid

Today Rowan class have learnt about Eid and how it is celebrated.


We worked in small groups to make our own star shaped biscuits and enjoyed eating them together at snack time.


Super learning today Rowan!! 


12 May

Beech class celebrate Eid

This week Beech class enjoyed exploring lots of moon and star textures to celebrate Eid.



12 May

Beech Class Nature Walk- Mental Health Awareness Week

This week Beech Class has been spending lots of time in the natural environment to help our mental health. We have been using our senses to explore the textures, smells, sounds and sights of the outdoors. We also enjoyed looking at where animals live outside and listening to the sounds of the…

12 May

11R learn about Eid

This week in 11R we have been learning about the Muslim festival, Eid. 

Together we learnt that Eid is also known as 'The Festival of Breaking the Fast'. Eid celebrates the ending of a month long fast called Ramadan. 

We found out that the date of Eid changes each year and is dependent on…

9 May

11G enjoying life 9/5/21

This week 11G have been busy learning about the life cycle of a frog which has run alongside our learning about how caterpillars develop. 
Using the interactive whiteboard we learnt that first of all there is frogspawn which looks like little round bits of jelly each with a tiny black dot inside,…