16 Apr

Chestnut explore ‘Spring’

This week in Chestnut class we have been learning all about spring. We have used forks in different coloured paints to make tulip pictures, painted blossom trees using our fingers, dug in the soil filling the plant pots, and looked for worms in the soil. We have explored the school grounds with…

15 Apr

Beech class learn about spring

This week Beech class have been learning about spring. We have painted blossom trees using our fingers, used forks to make tulip pictures, poured and shook some flour over flowers. We looked at spring lambs made prints with a potato masher. We explored around the school grounds on a lovely spring…

15 Apr

Pirates in Rowan

Ahoy there everyone!

Rowan have had a busy start to a new term.

Our new Theme of Pirates has delighted the children who have enjoyed exploring our new pirate role play area. We have introduced our new story 'Pirates love underpants' which they have all enjoyed and participated well with,…

27 Mar

11G Almost Easter Time 26/3/21

Well, the Easter holiday is finally upon us and I’m sure we are all looking forward to relaxing and eating lots of yummy Easter eggs. 

This last week we have been busy in 11G doing lots of different things and taking part in lots of varied activities. 

Starting on Monday we celebrated Down…

26 Mar

An eggcelent end to Spring Term in 7A!

Wow what a wonderful end to Spring Term we have had in 7A. It has been assessment week but we have done lots of lovely Easter activities to break the week up, enjoyed a McDonald's lunch on Wednesday as our end of term class treat, and finished the week off with an Easter hunt complete with Easter…

26 Mar

9G's Eggtastic Week

What a fabulous last week we have had in 9G! 

Everyone has worked super hard on their assessments, showing the staff in class that they have made some super progress so far this year! Well done 9G!

We have kept ourselves busy with Easter and Spring themed activities, and ended the week on a…

26 Mar

8R have an ‘eggxcellent’ week

8R have had such a busy and wonderful week this week!

We have all done some wonderful writing and written a diary entry pretending to be an evacuee from World War 2. Miss Brophy was soooo impressed with these!

During the rest of our week we have got super crafty and created some wonderful…

26 Mar

11R Internet Legends

Yesterday 11R enjoyed a fun but challenging lesson about online/internet legends. We had to answer a quiz on the board to figure out the instructions together. We all worked together as a team and put all the pieces of the puzzle together to make one blue small robot trophy. We can't wait to do…

26 Mar

9R - Keep Calm and Enjoy the Holidays


This week we have finished the topic Tanks and Trenches. We have all enjoyed learning about WW1 and WW2. 

Michael said he enjoyed listening to the story War Horse and Not Bad for a Bad Lad and researching tanks.

Callum - enjoyed everything especially making the Anderson Shelter


26 Mar

Happy Easter Sycamore

We have had a lovely few weeks all being back together. 


This week we have all been very busy working on our own targets. We have all focused brilliantly and worked really hard, Well done Sycamore. 


We have been continuing with our outdoor and indoor movement. We have been working…

26 Mar

Oak Class Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day

On Monday, we wore odd socks in Oak Class to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day which was on Sunday 21st March. We chose the brightest, fluffiest socks we could find and wore them with pride for two pupils in our class who have diagnoses of Down Syndrome. 

We have continued exploring zoo for…

25 Mar

8G Cook up and Easter Treat!

It has been another jam packed week in 8G as we prepare for the Easter break. In My Communication and My Thinking and Problem Solving lessons the pupils have been busy seeing how much progress they have made with their reading and number skills.

In our World About Me lesson we looked at the…