10G goes on a technology hunt!
10G had a very busy afternoon yesterday. First we did an attention autism session and found the pictures of the different technical items in the flour. We then helped Miss Robertson to sort out which technical items we had in school, which belonged at home and which items we would find in the…
8R have a magical week
8R have had such a busy week this week earning so many team points for Gryffindor and Slytherin.
We were all sorted into our teams last week and have been earning team points the last 2 weeks. So far... Slytherin have the most points.
This week we have carried on looking at newspapers and…
Potions and Magic in 9R
This week 9R have taken part in some magical lessons.
On Tuesday we had Potions again with Professor Clarke, which was lots of fun. We made a fizzing potion and a magic potion that went from a solid to a liquid and then a solid again and we only used ingredients that you can buy at the shop -…
10G Earth Enthusiasts!
10G had lots of fun yesterday celebrating World Earth Day. We talked about what we thought World Earth Day first and thought it was something about making good choices with the Earth. Then Miss Robertson read to us and talked to us all about what World Earth Day was. We found out that it has…
10G technology trekkers!
Wow, what a super trip you had 10G. You did a super job at finding all of the different items of technology in the community. As part of your ASDAN work you are currently working on using technology in the home and community. You were super stars and found lots of different items such as a…
Welcome to Hogwarts 9R
This week 9R have boarded the Hogwarts Express at Platform 9 3/4 and made the journey to Hogwarts. When we arrived we each took our turn and the Sorting Hat decided which house we would be in and who our head of house would be. Our first task was to complete our house badge working as a team,…
8R have an ‘eggxcellent’ week
8R have had such a busy and wonderful week this week!
We have all done some wonderful writing and written a diary entry pretending to be an evacuee from World War 2. Miss Brophy was soooo impressed with these!
During the rest of our week we have got super crafty and created some wonderful…
9R - Keep Calm and Enjoy the Holidays
This week we have finished the topic Tanks and Trenches. We have all enjoyed learning about WW1 and WW2.
Michael said he enjoyed listening to the story War Horse and Not Bad for a Bad Lad and researching tanks.
Callum - enjoyed everything especially making the Anderson Shelter
9R Share Good News
This week we have been looking at activities we can do to put us in a good mood.
These are some of our suggestions
Robyn - bubble bath with a lush bath bomb
Rebecca - crocheting
Sarah - reading a good book
Sam - watching a good film
Thomas - playing with my Lego…
Willow class celebrate the special women in our families for Mother’s Day
What a week for Willow Class! It has been so lovely to have all children back together again and seeing excited faces coming through the door.
Everyone has worked so hard this week in all lessons and we are so impressed with what kind friends Willow class have been supporting their peers back…
Willow’s world book day
World book day in Willow class!
Willow class enjoyed celebrating world book day both in school and from home this year.
The children in school talked about our favourite books and how they made us feel when we read them. We told our friends what they are about so that our friends could…
8Rs busy week and world book day!
8R have had such a busy week this week!
We started our week by looking at why St David’s day is celebrated and thinking about the first day of spring. As you can see in our photos we did some wonderful art work, even Miss Brophy gave it a go.
And Mrs Devlin surprised us all with a lovely…