26 Apr

8P Summer 1, Week 2

We’ve had a fantastic week again in 8P!

On Monday, we did our weekend news. In the afternoon, we did our first Athletics PE lesson and then did our differentiated PSHE lesson.  


On Tuesday, half of the class went swimming and the other half stayed in school and learnt about Eid. In…

26 Apr

Awesome Oak Class

This week, we went to the park, we enjoyed going on the slide and the swings, it was very fun.

On Wednesday morning some of us went to Asda, we all had our own shopping lists with us and all had one item to get. We went to the till and we all scanned our items and then we put the money in…

26 Apr

Week 2 in Chestnut Class

This week in Chestnut class we have continued to learn about under the sea through joint attention and communication sessions such as Attention Autism, Sensology and a story about The Rainbow Fish. During My Creativity we have learned to print repeated patterns using different tools including…

19 Apr

8P Summer 1 Week 1

We’ve had a fantastic week in 8P! What a great first week back. 

On Monday, we did our holiday news, where we looked at lots of photos of what we did in the holidays and talked about our time off school. In the afternoon, we played on the wobble boards and then did our PSHE lesson on body…

19 Apr

Spring Term - 7A

Wow, Spring Term flew by for 7A!

During the Spring Term, we did lots of fantastic learning - working on our functional life skills, our Aspirational Learning Goals and our Curriculum Learning Goals.

In My Communication based lessons, we learnt about Acrostic Poems in Spring 1 and Postcards…

18 Apr

First week back in Oak class


This week, we have been very busy in Oak class!

On Monday, in food tech, some of us made tortilla pizzas and some of us decorated digestive biscuits, with icing and sprinkles.

We have all visited the park this week, we loved playing on the equipment at the park, with our…

28 Mar

Easter in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut class have been busy getting ready for Easter!
In Food tech we have enjoyed practising our spreading skills by preparing hot cross buns for snack time. During creative tasks we made egg shell cards using primary colours and repeating patterns and decorating foam eggs. In…

15 Mar

8P week 4, 15/3/24

This week we have been very busy taking part in lots of activities. 

We celebrated Neurodiversity week by learning about how we are all different, in the way we process information and the way we think. 
This was a very interesting lesson, and we all learnt lots of interesting facts.


8 Mar

8P Spring 2 Week 3

8P have had a fantastic week! 

On Monday, we did Weekend News and then PE and PSHE. The children enjoyed making dance sequences and learning about their bodies. 

On Tuesday, we did Number in Maths and did Science in the afternoon. We did some really fun sound vibrations experiments. 

1 Mar

Spring 2, Week 2 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut learners have enjoyed learning all about recycling and exploring and sorting different materials which we throw away as part of our recycling topic. We have made Angel Delight, focussing on using equipment to pour and mix, expressing our choices and working out what we need…

23 Feb

First week back in Maple Class!

Maple class have had an exciting week back!

We have explored jungles in our theme of habitats. We have engaged with lots of fun activities within the classroom such as fine motor activities making elephant trunks, matching animals and words, animal jigsaws, jungle role play and lots more!


2 Feb

8P Spring 1, week 4

It has been a very busy week for the staff and pupils in 8P. 

We have done lots of interesting lessons, including Maths, English, Phonics and Cooking. 

This morning, we were fortunate enough to go on a trip to Rascals indoor play centre, to make up for the Christmas trip which was cancelled…