8 Dec

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit!
We’ve have enjoyed Christmas themed Attention Autism, learning key words, sprinkling frost on trees and creating twinkling stars during Stage 3. We loved tracking the exciting Christmas toys during Stage 1 and communicating for…

13 Nov

Super sycamore week 3 !

This week the children have looked at the qualities in a good friend and together built a friendship wall . We then created a beautiful friendship wreath for our classroom door to show we are all different and each have our own qualities. 
In our lesson with Mrs Lane this week we started a new…

13 Nov

Sycamore week 2 !

What a busy week in sycamore ! 

The children have discussed the events of bonfire and re created their very own firework display using paints and different techniques for their art. They explored splatting , blowing , dripping and finger painting for their display piece. 
Miss Molloy lead a…

12 Nov

7P Get Celebrating Autumn 2

We have been learning about many different Celebrations in both Autumn 1 and autumn 2 in 7P. 

We have got into the autumnal and spooky spirit of Halloween especially getting messy with the pumpkins and enjoying our witches kitchen making our own recipes.

Then we went on to learn about…

10 Nov

Willow class, Autumn 2, week 2

Another week has flown by in Willow class, please read on to learn about some of the fantastic work we’ve been doing…….

In My Communication, we have started to focus on our handwriting and letter formation, everyone enjoyed getting their fingers warmed up for writing with Play-dough Gym. We…

10 Nov

8P A busy week 10/11/23

The pupils and staff in 8P have enjoyed a very busy, but enjoyable week.

We all helped to create a banner to go up in the hall for the Halloween disco.

During our food technology lesson, we followed both written, and verbal instructions, on how to make toast and jam, and the end result was…

10 Nov

Halloween and Fireworks in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class learners have had a lovely week exploring bonfire night through Attention Autism sessions, creative tasks and food tech. We have been creating our own fire work pictures, focussing our attention,choosing colours and make making tools. We enjoyed dipping breadsticks into melted…

7 Nov

Maple celebrate Halloween and Bonfire Night!

Maple class had a great start to school! We have celebrated Halloween and Bonfire night, some of us also had our first trip to Space Centre. 

We engaged in Halloween sensory play and engaged with a bonfire night sensology session. We explored bonfire night colours, taste, smells, sounds and…

3 Nov

Willow class return after half-term

It’s been great to see our fantastic Willow pupils back in school and we have all enjoyed hearing about what they did in the holidays. 
On Tuesday, we celebrated Halloween by holding a party in class. Children were invited to wear fancy dress costumes, they made Halloween crafts, they played…

2 Nov

7A are Back!

This week 7A have been very busy settling back into routine and getting back into the swing of learning, through some Halloween and Bonfire Night theme activities.

On Tuesday, we applied our speaking, writing and drawing skills to share stories about our half-term and then applied our creative…

19 Oct

Week 7 in Willow class

It’s been another busy week in Willow class, we have reached the end of this half term and everyone in Willow class is very excited about the holidays (and Halloween)!

This week, we have continued our focus on money and have been practicing counting, adding and multiplying in our toy shop. We…

19 Oct

Week 7 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have been enjoying lots of spooky goings on! During Attention Autism sessions we enjoyed a ghostly number rhyme and finding out how many left when one is taken away by splatting cream and we took turns to splat! We have been identifying Halloween themed key word language…