17 Jun

10A Fun at the Anderton Centre

Another fun day at The Anderton Centre. This week we took to the water to learn paddle boarding. We firstly had to collect our water safe clothing this included a wet suit, waterproof jacket, life jacket and helmet.

We listened to our instructor Robin who gave us our safety information and our…

10 Jun

10A visit Nuffield Gym

First week at Nuffield Health Club for the latest group of pupils to take advantage of the PT sessions from Ashley. The pupils were introduced to the routine they will be following over the next six weeks which includes:

. Treadmill  . Rowing Machine  . Ski pull  . Hand weights  . Bunny…

10 Jun

10A visit The Anderton Centre

On Friday we visited The Anderton Centre, we were introduced to our group leader Robin. To familiarise ourselves with the centre we began the day with some team games, we had great fun and used some great listening to our team mates who were giving us the instructions and giving each other some…

20 May

10A Bikeability

Over 2 days last week some pupils in 10A took part in Bikeability. 

As part of the qualification the pupils were asked to identify and respond to hazards

Start and stop on-road journeys

Maintain suitable riding positions

Comply with signals, signs and road markings

Communicate with…

10 May

10A Orienteering in Worden Park

On Thursday we enjoyed an afternoon orienteering around Worden Park.

Before we left we learnt compass markings and how to orientate the map.

Once we got to Worden Park we split into our groups and had a great time in the sunshine using our maps to locate the stations

We then took it in…

2 May

Independence in 10A

A busy few weeks in 10A. We are practicing our independence living skills as we are now preparing for leaving school and moving into the adult world.

As part of this learning we have all been allocated jobs to do in class, these involve activities such as washing pots, cleaning tables before…

23 Apr

Boxercise with 10A


This half term 10A are accessing Boxercise first thing on a Monday morning!! which is being delivered by Gary from CSSP. With no idea what was involved the class met Gary in the school hall and after a short warmup and stretching activity start the session. 

Gary introduced the pupils…

23 Apr

Nuffield Health Centre. Group 2


First week at Nuffield Health Club for the group, Ashley started the session with a warmup and stretching activity to get them ready. Ashley then introduced them to the training circuit they will be working on over the next six weeks which included, a rowing and ski pull  machines, a…

18 Apr

Panathalon Xtend tournament


Just before the Easter holidays we found out that we had been invited to the final of the Panathalon Xtend tournament that we attended back in January! 8 pupils from 11G, 10A and 9P travelled to Bolton Arena with Mrs Fisher, Mrs Banks and Miss Wilkins on the minibus on Wednesday morning.…

15 Mar

10A Wow us at Boulder UK

What a fantastic visit to Boulder. 10A were a shining example of Astley Park School, displaying so many of our values. We showed great kindness and teamwork by helping each other, offering support and guidance to our friends. 
This week we re visited the holds we use and played a game to see if…

15 Mar

10A Nuffield Health Centre

This week on our weekly visit to Nuffield gym the group met Justin a PT who kindly stepped in for Ashley who was unable to meet with us this week. However, Ashley had left details with Justin of what the group had been working on in the gym. After a short warm up and stretches the group helped…

8 Mar


Last week a number of pupils from Year 11 took part in a Bikeability Level 1&2 assessment. After initially being assessed in school the pupils then went out on the road for a further assessment of their riding skills. The weather was against them but they remained positive throughout and after…