24 May

10R Visit Lever Park!

Today 10R had their first visit to Lever Park at Rivington! We left just before lunch to arrive there for just after 12 o'clock and we enjoyed our lunch outside before we started our walk.

We took it easy today, sticking to the flat terrain alongside the reservoir and we made our way up to…

4 May

10R Summer Term Week 3

Even though it’s been short, 10R have had a jam-packed week!

on Wednesday in the morning we had some maths assessments to do, and in the afternoon we had our PE lessons where we learnt what a compass was and how to use one. We learnt about how to find the other directions once you have found…

26 Apr

My Choices and Earth Day in 10R

Today in KS4 it was our second 'My Choices' day and this time were centring it around Earth Day. In the morning we watched a video that told us all about Earth Day - when it was, when it was created and why we celebrate this event. We learnt different ways we can help our planet, including…

21 Apr

10R Summer Term Week 1

10R have had a very busy first week back after the Easter holidays!

On Monday we continued to look at inversion calculations in Maths and in the afternoon we began our new topic in Science, 'States of Matter', where we began to look at the difference between solids, liquids and gases.


24 Mar

Sharing our Learning with 10R!

Yesterday in 10R we had our second sharing our learning sessions with our parents and family members.

In the session we looked at making chocolate cornflake nests, following a recipe we had found online. In the morning we had been out to Tesco to buy all of the ingredients we would need, using…

22 Mar

Year 10 Visit Runshaw College!

Today our Year 10 classes had the opportunity to visit Runshaw College! We were welcomed by Angela and Karen and a group of foundation students, and we started our session with a lovely afternoon tea, with soup, sandwiches and cakes that had been prepared by the students at Runshaw. After enjoying…

17 Mar

Week 4 in 10R!

10R have had another busy week this week. We continued our topic of forces with Miss Anderton and we had a look at how to measure forces with newtons using a Newton meter. We had lots of fun using the apples and bouncing them around class.

After a couple of days off, we had a jam packed Friday!…

10 Mar

Week 3 in 10R!

What a busy week 10R have had!

On Monday we continued or topic of forces in science with Miss Anderton, where we made paper helicopters to look at how gravity works and how we can affect gravity by adding weight to something to make it fall faster. 

On Tuesday we carried on looking at bar…

26 Jan

Parenting Awareness in 10R!

Today we had a very special visitor in class as part of our ASDAN unit, Parenting Awareness! Mrs Melling came in with her little baby Frankie so we could ask her lots of questions about what being a parent is like and what kind of demands there are when you have a baby. Everyone did some brilliant…

25 Jan

Chinese New Year in 10R!

On Monday we looked at Chinese New Year in 10R! We had lots of fun learning about the story of the Jade Emperor and the animals that make up the Chinese zodiac, and we found that in our class we had a mixture of rats and pigs in our class due to the 07/08 birth years. We all had a try of a fortune…

16 Dec

It’s Christmas Time in 10R!

It’s Christmas time in 10R and we’ve had a very busy week! This week we’ve been doing lots of different Christmas crafts, including making our own snowman out of pom-poms and making different ornaments for our Christmas trees. We also had our secondary Christmas spectacular that we have been doing…

9 Dec

Staying Safe Online in 10R!

Today in 10R we were looking at how to stay safe online by keeping ourselves anonymous when we are on the internet. Yesterday we learnt what it meant to copy, modify and alter photos online and how this can affect us, especially when it is done to our photos without our consent. We learnt never to…