Summer 2 Week 1 in 11R - Our Last Half-Term
On Monday we were right back into lessons, starting off the day with a functional maths lesson on money. We used coins and notes and practiced identifying coins and how much each coin was worth. We looked at how many pennies were in a pound and how to add money up.
In the afternoon we had our…
Science, Swimming and Selfies, Oh My!
11R have had a busy last week leading up to our half-term break!
On Monday we had our usual maths lesson and in the afternoon we had a science lesson. We were learning abouts forces with Miss Anderton and today we were talking about wind power. We built our own windmills and coloured them in,…

It’s good to be me in 11G
Over this half term in our learner led “good to be me” sessions we have been talking about “worries.” Through our group discussions we have realised that we all have worries and feel anxious sometimes and this is ok. We have talked about what worries us and some of us have very similar…

The Last Term in 11R!
11R have had a very busy start to their last term at Astley Park!
Last week we carried on with our ASDAN unit on Environmental Awareness, where we have been looking after the beds at the front of school and collecting the recycling from the other classes and throwing in our large bins ready for…

KS4 Visit Chorley Hospital
This week KS4 started their work experience at Chorley Hospital. Year 11 and year 10 students headed off to the Life Centre where we met Karen, who would be showing us round and leading the sessions while we are there. We started off by going through what each week would look like before Karen…

10A go Tree Planting in Astley Park!
What a lovely day for Planting trees!
We had a great time planting 6 Silver Birch Trees in Astley Park- in conjunction with Chorley in Bloom and Chorley Borough Council- the trees are going to be part of a Remembrance Walk in memory of a Council Worker and local people who sadly lost their…

Careers Drama Workshop
Today KS4 and KS3 had a very special visitor; Kerry from Lowther Theatre came in to run a short workshop with a few of the KS4 and KS3 classes. We talked about all of the different jobs that are involved in the theatre, from actors and dancers to the lighting and sound production to the people who…
A Busy Two Weeks in 11R!
11R have had a busy couple of weeks this term!
In science we have been learning about plants and their parts and we got the chance to dissect some lilies and take them apart to look at all the parts up close and in person. We’ve also been looking at seed dispersal and all the different ways…

What qualities do 11G learners look for in staff
On Tuesday with Mrs Cobham we were discussing qualities so we talked about why we like staff members and we all agreed that we like staff who are caring, Friendly and shows us respect. We like staff who are calm and cheer people up. Staff who get to know us as individuals are important because…
Setting ourselves goals in 11G
In class we talked about New Years Resolutions. Mr Crofts said that he sets goals and finds it hard to stick to them. Mrs Cobham said she starts the new year with good intentions but then forgets about it.
As a class we discussed what sort of activities we could do that could be achievable and…

11G Learn all about Christmas
On Thursday afternoon 11G talked about the Christmas Story.
Mrs Cobham found a story called “The Impossible Promise” and we watched it on You Tube.
Then we learned some Makaton signs to go with the story.
Well done 11G

11R Go to Bendrigg!
11R have just got back from their Duke of Edinburgh residential at Bendrigg Lodge in the Lake District! We left Wednesday morning and have just arrived back at Friday lunchtime.
On Wednesday everyone was really excited to get going, but we were a little nervous as well. We got all of our…