16 Jun

Summer 2 Week 2 in 10R

Well it's been a hot one this week!

We started Monday with a maths lesson and we had ASDAN in the afternoon, which we continued on Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon we continued to read The Wizard of Oz in English and completed some more comprehension tasks.

Wednesday morning we had a short…

9 Jun

10R Summer 2 Week 1

10R have had a busy first week back after half-term! We jumped right into things on Monday, starting off with Maths in the morning, where we continued to learn about time and how to read a clock. In the afternoon we had a small game of rounders before it got too hot to continue, so we decided to…

26 May

10G Summer term, week 6.

This week we have continued to look at healthy living and we have all increased our daily step target from 7000 to 7500. This is 37,500 steps at school each week and I am proud to say that all children and staff completed this target. Everyone has pushed themselves daily, completing more than…

25 May

11G Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week 11G practiced for their Duke of Edinburgh Expedition at Borwick Hall. We were met by Alex and Sarah who would be helping us throughout our expedition. When we arrived at Borwick hall we had to make our own lunch, Mrs Tolan had bought different fillings for our…

24 May

10R Visit Lever Park!

Today 10R had their first visit to Lever Park at Rivington! We left just before lunch to arrive there for just after 12 o'clock and we enjoyed our lunch outside before we started our walk.

We took it easy today, sticking to the flat terrain alongside the reservoir and we made our way up to…

5 May

11R Celebrate the King’s Coronation

Wow, what a day we have had in 11R!


We have enjoyed a range of activities celebrating;


Kahoot - with Malachi being our champion!

Treasure hunt,

Designing our own crowns,



And the best bit… 


A Great British picnic! 

We hope you all have an…

4 May

10R Summer Term Week 3

Even though it’s been short, 10R have had a jam-packed week!

on Wednesday in the morning we had some maths assessments to do, and in the afternoon we had our PE lessons where we learnt what a compass was and how to use one. We learnt about how to find the other directions once you have found…

28 Apr

KS4 Choices - Earth Day

First apologies from in KS4, if it rains, it’s probably our fault, we have been using our creative skills to make rain- makers, and whilst we all had fun doing this activity we would really like the weather to be fine all of this one weekend!

On a more serious note, we all learned lots of…

26 Apr

11R’s First visit to Borwick Hall


What a day we had !

We had packed our rucksacks and walking boots were on, Borwick Hall here we come!

Excitement filled the bus as we chatted to each other.

On arrive, we met the team and had a tour around the site.

Our first activity was to follow a map of the site and find and…

26 Apr

My Choices and Earth Day in 10R

Today in KS4 it was our second 'My Choices' day and this time were centring it around Earth Day. In the morning we watched a video that told us all about Earth Day - when it was, when it was created and why we celebrate this event. We learnt different ways we can help our planet, including…

20 Apr

11R - Our final term at Astley Park School

Well we are in our final term at Astley Park School- and the sun is shining - we have had a lovely first week back, it’s always nice, after a couple of weeks off school, to get back with our friends and find out what every has been up to in the holidays- we have had camping, holidays abroad,…

31 Mar

Happy Easter 11G

What a busy term 11G have had!!!  We’ve had lots of visits to help promote our independent skills, we’ve learnt some new skills at the gym and swimming. 

We’ve had a chilled week this week making Easter cards for our families.  On Friday morning after our favourite breakfast, bacon butties, we…