22 Sep

11R Go to Chorley in Bloom

Yesterday 11R had their first visit to Chorley in Bloom! We walked from school to the main site and met the volunteers who would be helping us during our sessions.

Iris sat us down and talked through some basic safety instructions we would need to follow whilst on site; including no running and…

19 Sep

11R Make Breakfast for 11G!

This morning 11R made bacon butties for 11G as part of their Young Enterprise PSD unit. Last week we planned out what we would need; both the equipment and the ingredients, and talked through the method of making a bacon butty.

Yesterday afternoon, we had a practice go at making them, learning…

14 Sep

10A Play Hockey

In this weeks P.E lesson, 10A learnt how to play hockey. To start, they played a warm up game. Mrs Tolan then showed the pupils the correct way to hold the hockey stick and how to pass the ball. The pupils practiced pushing the ball with the stick. They then passed the ball to their partner, using…

8 Sep

10A start the year thinking about their healthy lifestyle choices!

Welcome to 10A!


As part of ASDAN we are learning about healthy lifestyles, so today we did some activities about this. We split the class in two and one group went to the food tech room and made frozen fruit kebabs. This involved the pupils identifying different fruit and then cutting them…

21 Jul

The End of Term in 10R!

What a year in 10R! We've been busy, busy all year and this last week has been no different! On Monday we had our first transition session with Mr Murphy where he talked about what we would be doing when we got back in September and what he expects of us in year 11. In the afternoon we had our…

14 Jul

10R Got to the Anderton Centre Part 2

On Monday we had our second session at the Anderton Centre! This week we tried some on-land activities which we all did our best at.

We started the morning with archery where, before we could have a go, we listened to the safety instructions that Emily the instructor gave us. Everyone had a…

6 Jul

11R visit the park- and go out to lunch!

What a lovely day we’ve had!
We took a football, rounders equipment and scatch to Astley Park- and also had the chance to play on the playground, luckily the weather was kind as it has been very unpredictable recently!

We then wandered down to The Astley where we enjoyed a lovely lunch…

3 Jul

Rose turns 16

On Friday 11G went bowling for Rose’s 16th birthday. As always everyone enjoyed the hospitality at Escape Venue, especially the yummy food.

We were BOWLED over by the wonderful manners of each and every member of the class, making us proud as always. 

We had a fantastic time!

A big…

30 Jun

10R Go to Blackpool!


Yesterday 10R had their end of term trip to Blackpool! When we arrived there, we headed down onto the beach and had some fun drawing in the sand with sticks and we went down to the water, trying to keep our feet dry while we did! We then walked along the beach and made our way up to the…

28 Jun

11R Chorley in Bloom Comes to an End

Wow, we have come to the end of our time volunteering with Chorley in Bloom.


We have had a blast! 

Today we were spoilt, we had samples of what we had grown; cake and drinks.

we would like to thank the Chorley in Bloom team for everything they have done for us over the past 6…

23 Jun

Summer Term 2 Week 3 in 10R!

This week in 10R we've had lots to do! On Monday we had our morning maths lesson and in the afternoon we had our first session of sports week when we played some relay games and activities. 

On Tuesday we continued with our ASDAN and our Preparation for Work Unit and in the afternoon we went on…

23 Jun

PROM 2023


What a day! 

Pupils had an amazing day yesterday, celebrating their end of an era. Everyone looked amazing and very grown up. 

We started the day with some nibbles and photos from the professional photographer, we then showed off our glam and glitz with a parade around the track…