29 Mar

11R Sponsored swim 2023


Congratulations to 11R

After lots of hard work, 11R are pleased to inform you that they took part in the sponsored swim today.

Swimming over 250 lengths, AMAZING!

The journey back to school was very quiet, as sleep filled the bus! 

All money raised is being used to help with…

24 Mar

11G Spring 2, week 5

11G have been busy finishing off their ASDAN work this week and tying up any loose ends. They have all worked extremely hard and we are so proud of them.


On Monday as always we caught up on weekend news, all the pupils had a busy weekend. Everyone was able to tell their friends what they…

24 Mar

Sharing our Learning with 10R!

Yesterday in 10R we had our second sharing our learning sessions with our parents and family members.

In the session we looked at making chocolate cornflake nests, following a recipe we had found online. In the morning we had been out to Tesco to buy all of the ingredients we would need, using…

22 Mar

Year 10 Visit Runshaw College!

Today our Year 10 classes had the opportunity to visit Runshaw College! We were welcomed by Angela and Karen and a group of foundation students, and we started our session with a lovely afternoon tea, with soup, sandwiches and cakes that had been prepared by the students at Runshaw. After enjoying…

17 Mar

11G Week 4 and Red Nose Day

This week 11G have been busy finishing their ASDAN work. 

On Monday in maths they looked at measuring and the different ways to measure liquids and solids. 

The class watched the start of The BFG as this is the book they will be looking at this half term. We made some frobscottle, the BFG’s…

17 Mar

Week 4 in 10R!

10R have had another busy week this week. We continued our topic of forces with Miss Anderton and we had a look at how to measure forces with newtons using a Newton meter. We had lots of fun using the apples and bouncing them around class.

After a couple of days off, we had a jam packed Friday!…

10 Mar

11G celebrate Holi

This week we have celebrated the Hindu festival of Holi - also known as The Festival of Colours. Together the class worked in groups to make their own colourful Holi pictures, using various painting methods. Some of the class also took part in a colour run outside, wearing white t-shirts and…

10 Mar

Week 3 in 10R!

What a busy week 10R have had!

On Monday we continued or topic of forces in science with Miss Anderton, where we made paper helicopters to look at how gravity works and how we can affect gravity by adding weight to something to make it fall faster. 

On Tuesday we carried on looking at bar…

8 Mar

Getting ready for our Sponsored Swim!

As you are probably aware, 11R are taking part in a sponsored swim in a couple of weeks time.

All funds raised will go towards our end of year prom, so please, please, please get those sponsorship forms filled in, as every pound counts!

8 Mar

11R Learn about Holi

Today we learned the story of Holi, the Hindu colour festival. We learned the meaning of different colours and with our coloured glasses we mixed coloured powder. Pupils enjoyed learning about this different culture. 

in English we looked at Holi facts and opinions. Pupils enjoyed marking…

6 Mar

Another busy week in 11R.

Another busy week in 11R  working at Chorley in Bloom planting lots of seeds and bulbs, all ready for the lovely spring time. We also started our final swimming sessions and everyone worked really hard on their  front crawl technique.

Our favourite day this week had to be Wednesday which was…

3 Mar

Week 2 Spring 2 11G

On Monday 11G did some data collection on the staff car park. They looked at the different types of  cars and counted and recorded each type. 

On Tuesday we went on the school mini bus to Leighton Moss an RSPB nature reserve in Carnforth. The pupils were split up into groups and using their…