8 Nov

The Halloween Disco!

Last night we had our Halloween disco! 11R and 11G have been busy getting ready for the past couple of weeks, choosing jobs and selling tickets. In the afternoon, 11R were busy finishing off some decorations for the hall, where we then joined 11G in decorating to make it nice and spooky for after…

6 Nov

11R Go to the Gym

Today 11R had their first gym session, led by Mr Murphy, as part of learning about about healthy lifestyles. We got the minibus to the gym this morning as it was raining quite hard and we didn't want to start the day off soaking wet. We went into the gym and everyone was a little bit nervous…

3 Nov

Autumn Vibes

In 11G well-being group we’ve been looking at things we can do and thing we enjoy that make us feel good and we’ve linked it to Autumn.

The group chose a variety of activities, they didn’t always agree but said that’s okay because it’s good to like different things.

With the pictures,…

3 Nov

10A are ready to learn!

After an unsettled start to the week, 10A have come back to school after half term ready to learn! 10A have worked hard and challenged themselves by completing maths activities and making pumpkin soup.
10A did a maths lesson and showed lots of focus when practicing number. The group making…

6 Oct

10A Make Healthy Choices

As part of ASDAN, 10A were asked last week to make a choice to make them healthier. The pupils could pick between going to the gym or making healthy food. 

On Thursday afternoon, the pupils who had picked the gym went and explored some of the equipment. The pupils used the treadmill, the cross…

6 Oct

11R Chorley in Bloom Week 3

11R had their third session at Chorley in Bloom this week! When we got there we met David and Mrs Broughton. We sat down with David and he told us all about different types of flower bulbs! We looked at the different sizes and shapes of lots of different flowers and plants, including rosehips,…

2 Oct

Macmillan Coffee Morning with 11R

On Friday morning we had Macmillan Coffee Morning in school. As part of their Young Enterprise ASDAN unit, 11R were helping to run it, doing various jobs and roles throughout the morning.

We helped serve both the drinks and the cake to our learners and their parents and guardians. We had talked…

29 Sep

Astley Park have been Smashing Stereotypes!


This week classes at Astley Park have been focussing on smashing stereotypes. Stereotypes restrict the ways in which we see ourselves, others and the world around us. They make us jump to conclusions, which can stop us from getting an accurate picture.  We have been learning…

22 Sep

11R Go to Chorley in Bloom

Yesterday 11R had their first visit to Chorley in Bloom! We walked from school to the main site and met the volunteers who would be helping us during our sessions.

Iris sat us down and talked through some basic safety instructions we would need to follow whilst on site; including no running and…

19 Sep

11R Make Breakfast for 11G!

This morning 11R made bacon butties for 11G as part of their Young Enterprise PSD unit. Last week we planned out what we would need; both the equipment and the ingredients, and talked through the method of making a bacon butty.

Yesterday afternoon, we had a practice go at making them, learning…

14 Sep

10A Play Hockey

In this weeks P.E lesson, 10A learnt how to play hockey. To start, they played a warm up game. Mrs Tolan then showed the pupils the correct way to hold the hockey stick and how to pass the ball. The pupils practiced pushing the ball with the stick. They then passed the ball to their partner, using…

8 Sep

10A start the year thinking about their healthy lifestyle choices!

Welcome to 10A!


As part of ASDAN we are learning about healthy lifestyles, so today we did some activities about this. We split the class in two and one group went to the food tech room and made frozen fruit kebabs. This involved the pupils identifying different fruit and then cutting them…