11 Dec

Sycamore Share Their Learning...

This morning some of our families joined us on Microsoft Teams for our Share our Learning event.

We enjoyed sharing a Christmas Quiz! 

Sycamore worked in 3 small teams and worked together to think about the questions and write out the answers. 

Great work everybody!

30 Nov

Families and stereotypes

Over the past couple of weeks we have been looking at jobs and particular genders considered to traditionally do the role of that job, we linked this into our PSHE lessons considering our family history and looking at the jobs our families have had over the years. We discussed if their jobs…

20 Nov

Sycamore: Challenging Gender Stereotypes

Today Sycamore have been learning about gender stereotypes.

First we spoke about what a stereotype is - we learned that a stereotype is an idea or view that someone believes that might not be true.

We then enjoyed a carpet time activity watching Miss Cross make outlines of a boy and a girl.…

20 Nov

11R challenge gender stereotypes

This week in 11R we have been learning all about gender stereotyping. We started off by watching a video where we all had to share our thoughts on how people looked and what opinions we formed based on that. Everyone contributed maturely towards the discussion and listened respectfully to each…

20 Nov

Willow Class challenges gender stereotypes

This week Willow class looked at gender stereotypes and thought about what ideas we already had about gender, maybe without realising.  We tied this into looking at how this affects the jobs and hobbies we think people can have due to their gender.

We explored which stereotypes we were affected…

20 Nov

10G Back Together Again

10G have been incredibly busy this week. As well as practising our parenting skills and working on challenging gender stereotypes we have been very busy learning all about the human body, practising writing letters, developing our ICT skills, practising our maths skills and working on attacking…

20 Nov

8R challenge gender stereotypes


This week 8R have been doing some super work on gender stereotyping and how everybody can be different and how we can make sure we talk to people in the best way.

We did some work in small groups and looked at the different ways people can be different. We talked about how our families,…

20 Nov

10G Challenge Stereotypes

10G have worked really hard to understand what gender stereotypes means. We talked about what jobs boys have and what jobs girls have. Some of us said that girls are nurses and boys are builders. Then we had a look at some pictures and saw that both men and woman can be nurses and builders. We did…

18 Nov

Challenging Gender Stereotypes in 7A

This week at school we are thinking about challenging gender stereotypes. In 7A we have been thinking about gender stereotypes in terms of job roles. We read the story “Charlie The Firefighter” and discussed whether we thought Charlie would be a male or female firefighter. Most learners thought…

13 Nov

Willow class thinks of others- Remembrance day and Children in Need

Willow class have had two special theme days to enjoy this week- Remembrance Day and Children in Need.

On Wednesday 11th we looked at what Poppy Day means to us and how it’s nice to show we are grateful and show respect. We all are very respectful in Willow class and are trying to hard to…

13 Nov

Sycamore: Children in Need

Today Sycamore have enjoyed learning about Children in Need and celebrating through lots of activities. 


We learned that: 

  • Children in Need is used to help to raise money for children in need. 
  • Children in need are children not as lucky as us. We said it can be children who don’t…
13 Nov

10G’s fun filled week!

10G have a busy and fun filled week this week. We have enjoyed writing a letter to Miss Bamber and Mrs Lilley inviting them to video call with us so that we can ask them lots of questions all about being a new parent. We also enjoys learning all about Remembrance Day. We read a story all about why…